
Dahlonega, GA

What makes those bruises on almost ripe toms and within two days , you have to throw them out because they start rotting .

Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

Are you sure it's a bruise you see or could it be a disease spot?

Access the above link to see pictures of various tomato diseases-some present as soft, wet looking round lesions. The bad smell and taste from them soon penetrates the whole tomato-gross!
Once you've identified the disease then you can research the treatment or preventative- isn't Google great ?? Good luck, MW!!

Dahlonega, GA

Sun scald , zippering , and weather checking is seen on several at once . Our weather has been cool for this year and lots of clouds . I'm just going to pull them up and destroy . This has been going on for six weeks or so .Not enough leaves left to keep the sun off anyway , when it does shine .
Thanks , and I'll try again next year .

Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

It has been a pretty crappy year for all gardening here in Ohio-sounds like you have had some issues too!
Ours have been due to incredible heat from early spring on and almost no rain -even with a dozen rain barrels we have hardly kept up with the poor plants baking in relentless 90-100 degree heat -Horrible! We have already pulled up a lot of our vegetable plants and I'm not planning on enough tomatoes to can any. Our European Cukes are the only thing that did really well and they are starting to slow down on us! I'm ready to pack it in for this year and -as you say- "try again next year:" MWhit

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