Late Producer?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I am looking for a tomato that produces late in the season. Does anyone have a suggestion? I like heirlooms, but in August, I would be happy with any healthy, tasty tomato.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Have you tried starting any a few weeks late,or is room for them the issue?It sounds a little like your looking for that tomato that produces in the heat and drought at the height of the season,,and I will agree there are not all that many. My yellow cherry heirlooms have produced moderately ,but good during august with minimal care.
There are any number that should though, although as hot and dry as this year has been I don't think all that many tomatoes have reached their full flavor.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes, I think this summer has been a real scorcher. Last summer, we had high temps, high humidity, no wind at night and our tomatoes did not produce until August when the temps started cooling off. This year, we have had drought, high temps, low humidity, wind and the tomatoes produced early, but they did not last through August very well. It seems we don't get enough tomatoes to be really satisfied. But, we like fresh tomatoes a lot. I haven't had enough to put any up the last two years.

We don't have a lot of space as we live on a city lot. We have carved out about 16' X 6'. We put them in tomato cages that are about 10 ft. tall. Usually, they grow over the tomato cages, but this year, they did not. However, we had deer eating the vines to the edge of the cages until we put an electric fence around our vegetable garden area.

I know there are supposed to be some early produces and late producers. I was curious to see what others were growing for the late producers.

Thanks for your reply.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

My late producer for now Sugar lump or Gardener's delight in the DG files ,The plant handled the heat well with no care and is just now beginning to produce.
Broad ripple currant ; Both are still producing only slowly Maybe a few more people will say what they are doing now with their's.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Cherry tomatoes usually last longer in the season for some reason. They start producing earlier and last into the season longer. However, even my cherry tomato has quit.
If I recall, Brandywine is a tomato that doesn't start producing until late.

Thanks for posting.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I don't know if this year is a good indicator. Maybe my Cherokee Purples and Sun Sugar (yellow cherry) are just making up for lost time from the July horribly hot weather when they didn't bloom and produce. But I'm still getting pretty good-sized CPs and a bumper crop of Sun Sugars. And still have a few Sweet Millions. The Better Boys are still hanging in there too but are mostly smaller. Fighting off the blight on the BBs though. Losing the battle. I should take a photo of what I picked yesterday. A decent sized basket full of tomatoes and one melon plus some peppers.

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