Red seeded grape plants

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Still looking for red seeded or concord grape plants I will offer trade list, pay for potage or a small fee. Types most interested in are " Catawba, Niagara or Concord " Hopeing to be able to make Veno like parents did in the early fiftys.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I believe mine are concord,(THEY ARE) they haven't exactly done what they are suppose to.Some are seedless some have seeds. hybridization didn't exactly take with these.
They are not hard to root, but you would have to graft them on to hardy root stock.
Since no one seemed to answer you I thought I would talk with you a moment about going the long way about and see if you were interested.

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi my name is Jake from Manassas Va. Sorry it has taken so long to answer your response. I do not undestand why I have to graft them on a root stem. Why can't I just root the stock ? I have been watching several vedios & it seames very simple to root stems, Have you ever tryed that ? I would like to give it a try not much to lose not like going out & buying estableshed root stocks. They seem to be very expensive. Get back to me & lets talk. Again thanks

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi jake, This is Jim talking with you, Like the video mine appear blue, not entirely native ,and I learned from the video they do not half to be grafted either. I have not been doing much with them for a while. I did not understand that they," the grapes" were that hardy.
It seems your somewhat interested so I will see what is in and around the garden. Sometimes the grape vines have had nice grapes other times not , From what I under stand these will groe true from see only it takes three or four years to get them going that way. A couple of seasons from runners , I will look for that in the vines if you are interested for sure. Thank you for conversation and we will talk in a while.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

How ya doin Jake' I found a big clump of concord root in a manure compost bag I was letting finish And a root in a few places on a large vine I am giving thought to cutting back.
The vines start dying back this time of year here ,unless cuttings are under lights where it is warm they are much easier in spring.
If by chance your still interested that big clump of roots in the compost bag could be sent for what usually ends up being around $3.00 from my experience maybe $5.00 . I have never known of a clump of grape vine roots that did not grow given any chance at all.
I just thought I would mention that while you were or are considering your choices

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Where do you want me to mail you a check ?

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I will dig them from the compost bag send them to you , Then I will know and you will know or you can trade me a few seeds of equal value if the roots turn out to be good and what you are looking for. So tell me where to send them, if your in the address exchange ,I will look there, if not D-mail me your info, okay?
Also if you want a few to root as cuttings lmk.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Okay I have your info they are on their way to you Monday!

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

A one year root that I tried to get a leaf with only failed .As the plant is going dormant it should crown a bud, the plant has the crown but no bud , I will see tomorrow about the cuttings.
After, I will send you my Pay-PAL Address if you feel comfortable with what you receive, the postage can be transferred there.

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

That would be great. Thanks

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