Three Varieties I am considering. Money Maker, Delicious and

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Already started buying seeds and looking into tomato varieties to grow next year. Three varieties I am considering are Money Maker, Delicious and Italian Market Wonder.

I have found all three at Gourmet Seed ( All sound really great in their descriptions.

Any advice or comments from anyone growing any of these? Thanks!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I am growing Market Wonder this year, and even though I'm having a dsmal season with the weather we're having in my micro-climate, they are producing like crazy. They are a perfectly round, unblemished, medium-sized tomato, that has resisted cracking better than any others in this year's garden. The flavor is good, though not great. I will definitely be growing these again for their resistant qualities and consistent performance. Additionally, they began producing in under 70 days.

Delicious has done well for me in the past; haven't tried the Money Maker yet.

I may have seeds for some of these at home, I will check, and maybe we can do a trade.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I think you mentioned MARKET WONDER in another post which is what got me looking. Then I found those others under their recommendations list. The fact that they are fairly early is also a good thing.

I am not sure I have seeds to trade although I most likely will after I finush ordering whatever I decide on for next year.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Rita, I've grown:

Moneymaker and wouldn't grow it again. It's an English variety, that was bred in England for greenhouse growing many years ago and has that aggressive somewhat tart taste that almost all of the English like. There are other varieties, all English ones, that are about the same.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=54d57d1eb8a238c8&biw=757&bih=403

I'd prefer tolink to Tania's page but right now it seems down, so this general Google search will have to suffice.

Delicious, which I don't find to be delicious, is still the current world record holder for weight at at 7 # 12 oz, which I think its it's main claime to fame. However, folks grtowing it without using the tricks that those who grow for competitions seldom get over a pound.

Market Wonder I've not grown.

Just my opinion but I think there are many hundreds of large red beefsteak varieties I'd grow before I'd ever grow Delcious or ANY of the English varieties again.

Carolyn , who should note that she doesn't trade seeds, but she does encourage everyone to buy at least a certain percentage of tomato seeds from any of the really great seed sites that are out there, most family owned, b'c in these economic times I think they need support.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The description of Moneymaker at gourmetseed doesn't say that much but the description at Baker Creek goes into more detail.

> 75-80 days. An old English heirloom; greenhouse variety that produces 4-6 oz globes that are intensely red, smooth and of very high quality. This variety grows well in hot humid climates and greenhouses; sets in most any weather. Flavorful and becoming rare. <

Well, summer here is hot a really humid, the fact that it set a lot was one of the things that interested me. I am really trying to think of the taste from your description but I guess my imagination is not very good. I guess it is one of those things one has to taste to really understand. I do love tart berries like red currants.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

This is a post I did at another site when Rita posted the same question there and it updates what I said here as well.

(Rita, I answered you elsewhere so you can cut and paste if you want to or wait and see what others say here and then I might feel like cutting and pasting
I think at the other site you said just Market Wonder, maybe mentioned Italian Market Wonder and I said I hadn't grown Market Wonder but as I watched some tennis I realized I had but with it's proper name of:

Merveille des Marches, which is an old French variety.

After doing a lot of Googling it turns out that someone put the name Italian in front of Market Wonder and the two are the same and if you read at various seed sites you'll also see that the blurbs/pictures are the same as well.

And where the Italian one is listed no history is given although the history of the French one is at several places.)

Depending on what answers she gets at theother place I said she could cut and paste my above answer to there or I might myself depending on what answers she gets there.


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, no problem. I go check both sites as I have found often get different feedback on this and the other.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Hi Rita,
Haven't checked out the tomatoes you mentioned, but in another thread I listed seeds that Carolyn had recommended. I am also hoping to get seeds from Cuore Di bue and Cuore Di toro, which are similar oxhearts. I know Tatiana'stomatobase has at least one of those and will probably have both soon. The two I mentioned could be as early as 70 days. You're in a warmer zone than me. Just a recommendation. If you want I can send you Carolyn's extensive list of what she recommended, all colors sizes and types. So many choices!!!!!
Btw, I'm saving my newspapers!!!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Sharon, I do read all the posts both here and at the other forum we talk at so try and follow all the discussions. I am sure that I must have seen the list. I am just trying to see what might be for me. Already crossed DELICIOUS off the list.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Hi Rita, I think I'm getting senile. I can't remember which thread or forum I said what LOL! Too many tomatoes on the brain. I know it's a hard choice there are just so many that are tempting. Anyways, like I said on another thread, I have seeds to share if you wish.
The wind has done a number on my plants! I've been tying up and picking up fruits.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I was thinking yesterday that my plants have slowed down and I guess that is true but they are still cranking out more ripe tomatoes than I can keep up with eating. I picked lots and lots of cherry tomatoes today and also Vivia Italias. Picked Beefmasters yesterday. I gave all the cherries and some Vivia Italias to my neighbor as I can't keep up in spite of eating tomatoes ever day.

Yes, I have ones I am considering getting but still have lots of looking to do before my finial selections for next year. There are some that are definates though.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

last year I froze cherries and even oven roasted and froze them. This year I think I'll just keep making salad and eating them. Have to see how long they are going to produce. That's if they don't topple over from weight and wind. And I thought I had them well staked and tied...
One thing for sure, you have to have big containers otherwise it's a struggle....

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I am not too ambitious. Eating the tomatoes and then giving them away is first choice. But right now I am blanching VIVIA ITALIAs for making stewed tomatoes in the crockpot.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

These are still on my to get list.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Has the weather changed? We got a major storm on Saturday, high winds and today was cool and tonight is supposed to get cool, and then get hot again! Hoping the Gold Medals have a chance to start to ripen, and the rest well I guess we'll see.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, it has gotten quite cool here lately.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

I grow Money Maker every year. I love it. It is dependable and tastes great. I got seeds from Baker Creek and a Dger that saved some.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

well, next year we'll see what I am growing. Rita I have started preparing my bed for next year and have cut down just about all the tomato plants. The weather has changed and the flavor and texture is gone. Oh well, I need a rest and will plan for next year!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

My tomatoes are still producing, at least some of them so I haven't pulled mine out yet. I usually wait till October before I pull out my tomato plants anyway. Might as well give those last few tomatoes ripening every chance possible before pulling for green tomatoes. The vines are really ratty looking by now though.

I have nixed the Delicious, not going to get that one. But Money Maker and Italian Market Wonder I still intend to get.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

So I am on a tomato seed roll here as I just now finished going to Gourmetseed and ordering Money Maker and Italian Market Wonder. I also ordered Gemini F1 Hybrid Cucumber seed while I was at it shopping there. Can't wait for next year as I plan to be growing some tomato plants from seed for the first time ever.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Hi Rita, you've been busy as well I see. I ordered so many seeds from Tatiana's Tomatobase. I am going to try a dwarf Tasmanian Chocolate and I don't know how many more. I'm sure I'll go nuts come March. I finally gave up the ghost and took down all my plants, the squirrels were ravaging them anyways and the night time temps got too cold. BTW, I started my new garden as per your advice. Very exciting! We have the winter to drool and dream!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I hate winter. I spend winter waiting and dreaming of spring.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

My Money Maker and Italian Market Wonder seeds arrived in todays mail. Hurray!!! I am getting quite the collection of tomato seeds from all my ordering.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

I honestly don't know how many of each variety I'm going to do or where I'm going to find the space! But it's fun thinking about it!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have more seed packets than I have allotted space for myself. At least I have the winter time to mull over what I will do. I added lots of space for tomatoes this year, increasing the size of one tomato bed, moving iris out of another bed so that it will now be a veggie space and finially the first thing I did for more space was take a small garden pocket that used to be roses and move all those roses into already established rose areas. So that used to be rose bed is a tomato bed now. But even after all this I will be strapped for room to plant everything I have seeds for.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Well that's why the dwarfs look so inviting, because I can at least plant in containers. I have removed lots of perennials to make room for the tomatoes. I'll have to make some decisions too. Just keeping my fingers crossed that everything germinates properly in the first place! I've had good luck in the past, but it's been awhile, so who knows? Anyways, it's all very exciting!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Well, I have never done tomato seeds. But dropped tomatoes always grow volunteer plants outside so I figgured tomatoes must be fairly easy to start.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

True enough, but who knows? Just gotta make sure they stay moist. Really it's a question of space and patience.

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