More Room for tomatoes!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

At least there will be more room to plant next spring.

I had this nice 7 foot raised square bed which really is perfect for veggies. I had Tall Bearded iris planted there but moved them all into another area of the garden. My square is now going to be one of my veggie beds.

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The other thing I did to make room for more tomatoes is to extend this already there tomato bed so that I will be able to have more tomatoes along that section next year.

Hurray for more tomatoes!

Thumbnail by newyorkrita
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Was watering the grass seed that I put in the new pathway around the tomato garden extension and looking at the way the yard there has charged. I really like it better as it looks more open without that sapling tree. Besides it was a Mulberry and I was always hacking it back as it just did not want to behave and stay smaller.

That extension really is going to up the number of tomato plants in that bed next year. Now I have 12 plants, two rows of six. Next year I plan on planting 20 plants there in two rows of ten. Plus I have the Tower Square garden in which I plan to put 10 tomato plants. And that is a compleatly new veggie area now that I have the iris plants moved out of there. And I have other areas with tomato plants. Lots of tomato plants.

The tomatoes seem to have slowed down putting out the ripe fruits just lately but I really can't complain. Green fruits still setting and the production this year was excellent.

Dearborn, MI

I think you are hooked

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have always loved to grow tomatoes.

Dearborn, MI

I started with 6 plants. This year, it was 200 different varieties. Watch out or there will soon be no grass left in your yard.

Dearborn, MI

See what happens to you

Thumbnail by nancyruhl
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Oh my :-)) Looks great but sure is lots of plants. I only have a typical suburban lot so I can't grow that many tomatoes. Plus the fact that I has to be lots of work to take care of them.

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Nancy You are due to write a book.
I'll buy one if you sign it for me.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

It really is an amazing addiction, isn't it? When I bought my house my then boyfriend said, "Now you have to grow veggies." I started out with 2 tomato plants, a pepper, and basil. The next years I bought a success planter and a few more pots and had 6 tomatos, 2 eggplant, 2 peppers, basil and parsley. Then I added the 16'x8' raised bed and 3 EarthBoxes. The next year I added an 8'x8' extension to the raised bed, and bought 3 more EarthBoxes. The next year I added 7 4'x4' beds to try square foot gardening. I also enclosed a 10'x24' area that houses 29 tomatoes. Next came 5 18"x3' beds. So now there are 54 containers spots, plus the beds. Sheer insanity for one person. (I swear, I am NOT adding another thing!)

It ain't pretty, but it works for me!

Thumbnail by Sequee Thumbnail by Sequee Thumbnail by Sequee Thumbnail by Sequee Thumbnail by Sequee
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Doesn't seem like insanity to me. Seems like the right thing to do lol!

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

Besides they taste so darn good!!!

Dearborn, MI

Oh, but it is pretty.
PS- It isn't good to swear. Especially if......

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

The same $#*^$*%( person who suggested that I really needed to start gardening when I bought a home, also suggested I get a I have 4. Are we seeing a pattern here?

Dearborn, MI

Loud and clear

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I intend to be ready for next year. I ordered 25 tomato cages today from Lowes as they had a free shipping offer till September. Works for me. Easier than going to get them at the store.

I bought the same 47 inch collapable triangle green coated wire cages as the ones already here.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

As you can see, I use anything that comes my way! Though I must admit the cages look so much better!!! My favorites are Texas Cages, but they are quite pricey.

I just can't believe we are all talking about next season before we've even finished up with THIS season.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I do Florida weave some of my tomatoes but it is not convenient in most of the beds the way they are set up. So I need cages for my expansions of my tomato gardens. These triange cages are not the best but better than the even flimsier round cages which are even shorter. Ok for pepper plants but not for tomatoes. So I use the triangle ones. The plants grow tall and over and eventually flop but that is ok. Makes them easier to reach if they flop over. I am not very tall anyway!

And I really want to get organised so that I don't have to make garden beds early in the spring. I want to get those spaces organised now so that I can just spread compost and plant come spring. There is enough to do every spring anyway.

I still do have plants to move in another area of the garden where I want to make room for some more trellis areas for cucumbers or melons. I am hoping I will get to it but already tired of the garden renovations.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Well, I had a few days to look at my expanded tomato bed. Decided to make it one brick wider running lengthwise to make it easier with the placement of the row of cages for next year. Used the put newspaper on grass, cover with some leaves and straw method and there it is until next year. I think it needed that slight bit of extra width.

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