2 seed pods on my Uncarnia roeoesliana

Yardley, PA

I have 2 neat seed pods on my U. roeoeslina. Anyone know how to sow these? Can't find much info on it. It is interesting how they have
long hooks on them in order to travel on animals fur. They really will catch onto your skin if you aren't careful.

Thumbnail by Sally0 Thumbnail by Sally0
Sun Lakes, AZ(Zone 9b)

Wow, Sally, that's one happy plant. I don't know anything about the seeds though. It would seem you will have to handle that tricky treacherous seed pod though. Be careful!

Decatur, GA

Congratulations! Do you feel like a grandparent!!! ^_^

Georgetown, TX(Zone 8a)

Such interesting seed pods!

Bradenton, FL(Zone 9a)

You can look at this for some help.


Lake Stevens, WA(Zone 8a)

Now you have looked at the video to get the seeds out of the pod, I will tell you what it says in the book "Succulents Propagation" by Atilla Kapitany and Rudolf Schulz. I have never done this myself, but these guys are experts.
Dry the seeds, and keep them over the winter in a small paper bag or envelope, then in a tightly sealed glass jar. Cool is good, so the basement or even the fridge are good places.
Spring is best time for sowing.
You might want to soak them overnight in warm water before planting. Push them into the potting soil to about twice their diameter with a pencil, or just cover with soil or sand.
They note a minimum temp of 20 degrees C, which is 68 degrees F.
They use black plastic pots, and recommend a cactus-type potting mix. They use a 12-month slow release fertilizer, mixed in at half the recommended rate.. You can cover with glass or plastic, but it must be removed once germination occurs. Do not let the seeds dry out after planting.
For 2-3 months seedlings do not want to dry out, even for a day. Seedlings are usually kept out of direct sun, but as you are in PA not Madagascar or Australia I am not sure about this recommendation for you.

They do warn that large seeds like these may take a long time to germinate.
This doesn't sound too hard (except for the scissors and pliers stage)- let us know how it works!

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