looking for morning glory seeds, please

Saginaw, MI

Good morning , Looking for any color/type of japanese morning glory & also the following:
carnival striped mix
flying saucer mix
tricolor dwarf
red picotee
sunspots orange
convolvulus ensign blue or red tricolor

Would be willing to send reasonable postage . Have done several trade/postage deals on here as well as ATP with no problems. If you have any morning glory seeds that are looking for a new home I would love to have them! Grew "grandpa ott" morning glories from seed this year and loved them and would love to try others! Please let me know. Thank you.

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I have extra morning glory seeds, also columbine and daylily seeds that you have listed in your "want" list.

I also have extra tall bearded iris, I've started throwing them in the compost pile, would be un named, but one kind I was about to toss is shown below. I know shipping is expensive these days but doesn't post office have a flat rate box at different price levels? Let me know if interested, thanks


Thumbnail by Seedsower
Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


I love the iris you said you were tossing. I'd be willing to pay expenses
& postage for bulbs. I only have 1 iris to trade & purchased it from
Gilbert & son - was supposed to be white & turned out yellow and
I believe it is "Immortal" let me know if interested in it.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sbish, Have japanese MG, Heavenly Blue & Blue Sky.
Directions are in Japanese only. Have plenty of black hollyhock to
share as well. Will send for postage as from your pics I have the
same columbines.

This message was edited Sep 2, 2012 9:12 AM

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