Public sidewalks....oh no, oh my..input please!

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)


This message was edited Aug 17, 2012 6:41 PM

Thumbnail by Seedsower
McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Oh my! Now you've got me really curious!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Me too!!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

And me!

Newcastle(NSW), Australia(Zone 10a)

That's a lovely Ornamental Plum, my neighbour has one in her yard, you don't see many that have been given enough room to spread out and show their beauty. Always seems a young tree gets tucked into a corner and has to be pruned to a nub to stop it pushing over the other shrubs it's crowding!

I will see if I can get a photo for you.

Newcastle(NSW), Australia(Zone 10a)

Here you go! That grey stuff is Spanish Moss - Tillandsia, it's very windy today and blowing around like cat's fur!

Thumbnail by Gabi65
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Very pretty Gabi.

(Zone 7a)

I'm thinking Seedsower's tree is a Redbud, Cersis sp. Very curious what was wanted.

Seed? Come back!

Newcastle(NSW), Australia(Zone 10a)

You are right, your tree's blossom is a much darker color. The ornamental plum has dark red leaves. Your Redbud is very beautiful. Can I take it that it is an American native tree?

It has not made it's way over the Pacific to OZ. Probably won't, our quarantine restrictions are very fierce - pity! Just think, we wouldn't have Jacaranda or Pepper trees (I grew up thinking they were natives, they come from South America!) On the other side of the coin, we also would not be stuck with Lantana!

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

Yes, it's a Redbud. Won't be destroyed because of the sidewalks coming through. Whew!

(Zone 7a)

You deleted your original post. Was it because a sidewalk may have destroyed the tree? If so, so glad it isn't! My neighbor has one and I just love it.

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