Daring Dilemma daylily color

Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

I was thinking about buying Daring Dilemma but in some pictures it is a pink color and in others its a peachy color. What is the true color of it? I am hoping it is pink. If it isn't pink what other daylily looks like it and is actually pink? Thanks for any help on this.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Color can vary with different soil types. Here is mine.

Thumbnail by hemlady
Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Hemlady is correct.

Here is Oxymoron that I bought from Blueridge in North Carolina. I bought it for the coloring. Then, look at mine! The color is totally different but Bob said mine is truer to color as it is supposed to be. Go Figure!


Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Linda, they do not even look like the same daylily at all.


Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

I went on & bought Daring Dilema. I have been comparing pictures of daylilies & also looking on the AHS website too before I buy them. Can't wait to see them bloom next year. :)


Here is a match to yours also from Blueridge. It is a dip named PARTY PINAFORE

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It isn't so much the soil, but the time of day, quality of sunlight, or lack of it, even the direction you are taking the photo from.

I never take photos in sunlight. I use a white photo umbrella for more saturated and true colors. Cloudy and overcast days are perfect for taking photos. Even evenings just as the sun begins to go down, is also good. I am talking about a digital camera ofcourse.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Blomma, wow, that really does look the same! Banned In Boston is pretty much the same color, but it has a lot more ruffling on the petals and more prominent veining.

I'm with you. I like taking photos on bright overcast days, but I'll take them in bright sunlight as well. But in that case I will take a pic mostly only if the lighting is head on, so that it's not casting any harsh shadows, and I make sure the exposure looks right. I stop the lens way down. I like the late evenings, too. Early mornings are good for daylilies that open well at that time, as this is when their colors are the freshest and most saturated looking.


I took the last DL photos yesterday. Mine are all bloomed out with this years season. PARTY PINAFORE has a few buds left but I have so many photos of it. Still have to edit my photos taken this year since most of my new ones bloomed. Also check the names against Tinker and AHS website. Got pods maturing but not as many as I had hoped even though I crossed in the morning before going to work.

I have one last iris pod to harvest. Got plenty of them. Irises are easier than DL since they bloom when it isn't so hot.

I sold all my dip DL from Walmart on Ebay cheap. Had bought a box with a dozen or so 6 years ago Couldn't not toss them. They were noids but pretty. Have a few purchased from Gilbert Wilds that are named and will keep to use in pollination since I do have some new dips.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Verry interesting Blomma. I sent Bob an email regarding Party Pinafore

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

I just got an email from Bob and he says PARTY PINAFORE is quite round, OXYMORON is fairly skinny.

I'm including a couple of pics. The first one is Oxymoron at Blueridge The second is mine on Dave's Garden, Third one is Oxymoron somewhere else and the 4th is of Party Pinafore at Blueridge.

I don't think Party Pinafore looks like my daylily at all. I also don't see the likeness to Oxymoron in the 3rd picture.

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Lilly, I'm with you, I just can't throw out nice looking NOIDs, so I pot them up and sell them or give them away.

Quite a difference. I think I like PP better.

I have noticed that Bob usually uses the hybridizer's photos, not his own from his own gardens. Maybe he's not good at photographing them. Personally I prefer to use my own photos when I sell on-line.


I agree. I always use my own photos also. Bob told me that if a photo he uses don't have his Blueridge name on it, then it is one from the hybridizer. I also read somewhere that photos from the originator is sometime missleading. They put the perfect photo for obvious reason. I noticed that Bob's photos are ofter taken in the sun.

Found I had enough to make another sale of Noids and I just sold the last of the Noids on Ebay. That leaves me with more garden space for either seedlings or more daylilies. I have 156 seedling now so won't be sowing many seeds this season. I also have 144 iris seedlings, all growing outside. All are from November-January sowing. Sold my extras of those from 2010 since they bloomed.

My daylily seedlings. Photo taken Aug 8, 2012. You can also glimpse some of the Irises on the right side.

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I2Ie, if I understand you correctly, all of the first 3 photos are of Oxymoron taken in different places. Personally, I think you got the wrong daylily from what you ordered.

I received 2 daylilies as a gift but they were not what the name said, nor does the description fit. I received a wrongly named DL the first time I ordered from him. It was a gift. I contacted him and he couldn't give me the correct name. Said that they are slowly getting rid of dips and whereever that one grew something else was planted. .

Photos don't lie on these below. They were gifts but still.......

2] My ENCHANTING ESMERALDA that I received
4] My FORSYTH COMANCHE the flower is 2" and the plant only 12"

I have the feeling that gifts are those he wants to get rid. Perhaps the tag with name is gone. Not all the giftsent were wrong. Those I ordered were correct.

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Blomma, your "differences" are truly different!

Bob sent me pictures of both Party Pinafore and Oxymoron taken in HIS gardens. I don't see where the blooms are anything alike.

Oxymoron - When it was warmer
Oxymoron - After cooling off - early in the morning

Party Pinafore

Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le Thumbnail by l2le

Compare the anthers of both cultivars. They are not the same. Party Pinafore has thin blackish and I never see a good supply of pollen.

Keep in mind that Bob may have helpers that dig plants to ship.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

My suggestion Blomma, is that you not buy from Bob. That way you will avoid the problem.

Was trying to help you!. Those I purchased were correctly named.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2012 6:03 AM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Lilly, that explains a lot. I will have to remember that photos on Blueridge that have the Blueridge name on it are Bob's own photos. I agree with you that some of the hybridizer's pics misleading. I like it when they put up several different photos of the bloom, taken at different times and in different lighting, with clump photos as well. I know that some will do digital enhancing, too, which is terribly misleading. I would never do that.

As far as purchasing from Bob, at least the ones you ordered were correct. That's the most important thing. I suppose it would be easy to get stuff mixed up with gift plants, especially when other people are digging for you.

Linda, I think your daylily looks more like Oxymoron than PP. PP is definitely more rounded and has a much wider light pink edge than what yours looks to have. I'll bet yours will look better next year. This was its first year blooming, wasn't it?

Lilly, I can see that your PP has more rounded petals than Linda's Oxymoron. Still doesn't look quite like Bob's, though. I was also comparing the anthers from the pic you posted to the pics of Bob's that Linda posted, and the anthers on yours look much less substantial than Bob's. I'm may be a difference in conditions (dryer weather out your way, different soil type, whatever). As we all know, different conditions can make flowers look different in different gardens. You never know what your gonna get.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen, I agree. PP looks totally different to me. Shape, form etc. When I asked Bob about the difference in colors, that is what he said too. Soil and weather mainly, but he DID say it should look even more different next year.

I'm always amazed when I see 3 or 4 pictures on Tinkers about the difference in the colors. Also, I know that the time of day counts as to the actual shape of the flower too. Like Walter's Tango. Later in the day, it drapes and has the crispate look, but it doesn't look as drapey (?) in the early hours of the day. Another one like that is Handsome Ross Carter.

Bob's daylilys all have more purple rather than burgandy coloring and more vibrant colors than I get. I think a lot of mine are just washed out from the sun. I don't see that problem so much early in the season, because it isn't so blasted hot.

BTW, that last posting with the pictures were ones that Bob sent that HE took in NC!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, I figured that (on that last posting of pics).

Do you take most of your daylily pics towards the end of the day? Yes, most will look different by then than they do in the morning. Generally in the morning the colors well look more vibrant, and by then end of a hot day they look more washed out. I have some that look positively melted by the end of the day. One that comes to mind is ETCHED EYES. I love it for the really beautiful patterning in the eye, but it looks awful at the end of a hot day, so I'm thinking of selling it off. Not to mention the fact that it's a poor increaser for me, so I never have any to sell, pretty much. Here's a pic of it. I don't have a pic of it when with it looking all melted, as I never keep any bad looking pics, or I just don't bother taking a pic if it looks bad, as I have so many, and it already takes much of my time taking pics, that I only photograph the best looking blooms, mostly.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Hmmmm...... I just looked up EE on Tinkers, and it has produced 20 kids, some really nice ones, too. I especially like DELTA BLUES and SPIN ART a lot. I have WEB OF INTRIGUE also, which is one of it's kids. That one melts in the heat, too, but not as much as EE does. Am now thinking I should keep this flower for hybridizing with.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Yes, I usually take my pictures when I get home from work. Still working part time most days. I walk out in the yard in the morning before I leave, but lots of times the blooms are NOT totally open at 7:30 in the morning.

I too have ETCHED EYES. I think it was a gift from Bob. It is too young to bloom as I just got it in June. Next year I'll let you know what happens in my garden!

This message was edited Aug 24, 2012 10:31 AM

Just got through editing out some DL photos of PP. It is a dip and I have only one like that. To my surprise I got photos that look completely different of the same plant. Would a plant produce some flowers that are a bit different. I never noticed when I took the photos.

The first 2 are the true colors. I checked with AHS. It is the others that I am perplexed over. Even the anthers look different. This is the first year it bloomed. Planted last year.

Edited to add that I tried to cross it with other dip. It wouldn't take. The pollen didn't work either.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2012 10:48 PM

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Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

The more I raise daylilies the more perplexed I get at times. I have observed that newly planted ones, especially ones I get from southern growers, can take up to 3 years to settle in and bloom correctly. I have even experienced that with one of my own seedlings this year. When it bloomed it didn't look anything like it did the previous year. If I hadn't marked it, I would have sworn I had the wrong plant. And we have had such a wierd summer with weather this year that I guess anything is possible.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Blomma.....here is another picture of PP from DayLilyHaven Gardens. It looks different from the ones you posted. Crazy Daylilys!

Thumbnail by l2le
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Lilly, yes, daylilies of the same variety can have differences from day to day. Depends on the weather often times. I noticed the 3rd and 4th pics of PP that you posted above have a less pronounced edge to them. I also noticed that those 2 were wet. Rainy day or watering? If it was raining, then it was probably a cooler day, and that can affect how a flower looks.

Hemlady, I'm not an expert on hybridizing, as I've yet to grow any of my own seeds yet, but I have read that first year bloom on seedlings can sometimes look totally different than blooms on the same plant in subsequent years, though I don't know why this is. This is part of why it takes awhile to go from a seedling to registration, as they have to be evaluated for I think at least 3 years to see how it performs. Same goes for new plants that you've gotten bareroot, as you have observed yourself. I've observed the same thing in my gardens. As they say, first year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps. They say a perennial is mature at 2 years. Well, I say that may be true of a good size one that was purchased potted up, but when purchased bareroot it goes into shock and takes longer to mature. I have also noticed that whenever I move any of my daylily clumps around, then the following year they do not get as tall as they're supposed to be.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I have had this seedling Karen for over 3 years but I think when I moved it to another part of my yard it kind of set it back or something. The bloom looked entirely different this year. I'll just have to wait another year to see what it looks like I guess.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Only time will tell. Interesting how they can change.


Karen, no it was from waterin in the morning.

Now another queistion. When a DL reblooms, I assume it is from a different fan and scape. I noticed that my CLEOPATRA'S JEWEL is developing another scape with buds. It has already bloomed, starting from June 10 to July 4 on the same scape. The new scape is on another fan.

I have a cross that has sent up a new scape on a new fan in June, July, and Aug. It is a diploid. In other words it has 3 fans which produced 3 scapes. It is its second year to bloom.

1] Cleopatra's Jewel
2] Seedling x Seedling photo taken Aug 4, its 2nd time blooming.

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Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Blomma, I love that 2nd picture of PP on 8/23! Also that Cleopatra's Jewel. That is a gorgeous one!


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

When talking about reblooming, it's when a daylily puts out another scape on the same fan that bloomed earlier in the season. It's not a scape on a different fan that has not bloomed yet. Does that make sense? Hope I was helpful.


Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Karen, does that mean that one should not cut the drying scape off? I thought you were supposed to pull the finished/drying scape. If what you are saying is the rebloom is on that same scape, then I would be "preventing" a rebloom if I remove the old scape.



Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Rebloom would be on a new scape.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Thanks Hemlady...that is what I understood too. A new scape on the same fan that already bloomed. Is that correct?


Thanks Linda, Yes it is a beauty.

Hemlady, thought I had it straight. A new scape. Ok. But does the scape grow from the same fan, or a different new fan.

To quote Karen:
...."it's when a daylily puts out another scape on the same fan that bloomed earlier in the season. It's not a scape on a different fan that has not bloomed yet."

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Grows from the same fan.

Oh Darn! Then I don't have a rebloomer since it bloomed from another fan. Oh Well......but thank you for clarifying.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I know, I get disappointed too. I don't get very much rebloom here.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, good, glad everyone's questions got answered. I have not been on for a few days. Been really busy.


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