The real Amazon Chocolate?

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Diane's Flower Seeds has a potato leaf variety-

Marianna's Heirloom Seeds shows it as potato leaf-

Trade Winds doesn't say anything about leaf variety-

Heritage Tomato Seed has a regular leaf variety-

I really want to grow Amazon Chocolate next year. But I have no idea which version I should buy. I want the nice large good tasting ones LOL!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Rita, the first place you should go to find out what a variety should be is Tania's Tomato base website where she gives information for over 3,000 varieties, with comments from others, pictures and where it's sold, if those apply.

You'll see that both leaf forms occur so the variety as initially sold by Amishland was unstable from the get go and remains so.

There's a thread about this at Tomatoville and if I remember I'll try to find it and transfer it to here.

When you're through at the page above go to the upper left and click on MAIN, which takes you back to the home page. And you can see all the ways that you can search for a variety. When I know the name of a variety I click on the alphabetical method.

Hope that helps.


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Carolyn, I read somewhere but I don't think here, some people are getting small fruits. I do know that there are the two leaf versions.

I see Trade Winds and Marianna's listed for seed at Tatiannas. I also see she lists it as Potato Leaf while telling history that there are two leaf types.

I am wondering if you are telling me to buy the potato leafed ones.

See, this is why I never tried seeds before and just bought transplants at Hicks each spring. All this seed variety is so confusing.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

No, I'm not telling you to buy the PL ones b'c the variety is unstable and no doubt you'd be saving seed and when that F2 seed is sowed, no doubt you'd get both PL and RL plants. And the same would occur if you grew an RL plant.

The question being are the PL and RL versions the same except for leaf form and If I can find that thread I referred to I'll cut and paste it here.

When a variety is known to be unstable it's almost impossible, though, to make direct comparisons, which of course have to be made in the same season in the same place in order to be meaningful.


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Above is one of the threads about AC and you can see that Steve, who owns Heritage seeds, and excellent site, says that he knows of FOUR versions out there. And some differences between the PL and RL versions are mentioned in that thread.


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

My head is spinning. I though maybe there was one version I should buy. Guess that is not true. Will be reading the information in your link. Thankyou!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Right now I was amusing myself looking at all the tomato varieties for sale at Marianna's Heorloom Seeds. I place I only found thus morning looking for seeds of Amazon Chocolate.

Liberty Hill, TX(Zone 8a)

You are officially addicted! Your life will never be the same. : ). If you join SSE you can get a huge
Yearbook to look thru. It's sitting on my lap as I type. Lol. I try not to go to Tatianas site because I get stuck there for hours. BTW heritage also sells seeds for Dwarf plants.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Yes, I know Heritage sells the seeds for the Dwarfs. That is how I found Heritage on the first place as I want to get SUMMERTUME GOLD, DWARF MY SNOW, ROSELLA PURPLE and TASMANIAN CHOCOLATE. As I knew plants would not be available locally I decided I needed to start tomato seeds and it will be the first time for that!

I can't think what else SSE might stand for except Seed Savers Exchange. Not interested.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I actually just went and looked at the website. They sure don't have much of a Tomato selection. Looked at their cucumbers also and not any that I thought were too interesting.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Rita, Lisa is talking about the SSE annual Yearbook, not the public catalog you mentioned. For just tomatoes alone there are about 4,000 varieties listed in each yearbook.

One has to be an SSE member, which costs money to get the YEarbook and four other publications from SSE each year whereas anyone can order from the public catalog.

SSE membership is not for everyone.

Hope that explains it.

I just had two gentlemen leave and I'm talked out about tomatoes. LOL One is writing an article from my answers to his questions and now I'm tired from talking too much and just want to go turn on the TV to watch the tennis from Cincinnati, OH. ( smile)


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Thanks. Carolyn. I don't need that book of 4,000 varieties. My head is already spinning just from all the tomato varieties I have found on line!

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Rita, Carolyn,and everyone. God. I feel so lost. I honestly didnt realize that there were PL and RL until recently and didn't understand the differences which I'm still not too clear on. And could someone explain the dwarfs? Wow, I truly know almost nothing in comparison. Not sure how much info my brain will retain, lol.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)
This is the link to the dwarf tomato project. Really interesting what they have come up with!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I have been thinking on it. I have decided I will order the version that Heritage sells because I am planning on ordering some of The Dwarfs there come October. Can't order before then as the website says available in October.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I ordered the variety that Heritage has. I have been waiting as they said seeds would be ready in October on the website. So today I ordered and I hope to be growing Amazon Chocolate next year.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Rita, Tatiana's tomatobase has dwarfs as well as Casey's Heirloom Tomatoes if you are interested:

I have ordered a couple already. Can't wait till spring!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I already ordered mine from Heritage along with those Amazon Chocolate seeds. Got five varieties of The New Dwarfs.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Well, I will be growing the regular leaf version of Amazon Chocolate as my seeds came today from Heritage. I have read lots of good reviews of Amazon Chocolate, that it tastes amazing. I sure hope so!

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

So many choices.... It's a bugger!! Thank goodness tomato seeds last a long time, because there is no way ill be able to try them all!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Me too, I will never get these all planted.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

Well we an dream! I'm sure ill end up ordering more, just to have a wide range to choose from, like I need that!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I am done. I have all my tomato seeds for the spring and will not be ordering any more.

Montreal, QC(Zone 5b)

I'm still looking at the dwarfs, thinking maybe a yellow or green!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Somehow, I just can not get into any tomato that is green when ripe. Just doesn't seem right to me ha-ha. But I am trying some yellow tomatoes for the first time this year. I am also really looking forward to taste testing Amazon Chocolate. I have read good things about the taste of this one so need to try it for myself.

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

rita, I agree with you 100% on the green seed gel- I want my tomatoes to be RED inside- if not, I take anything not red OUT! Even when I make Salsa it goes.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I think you folks would change your collective minds if you openend them to at least trying a GWRipe. The taste is what I call spicy, a bit on the sweet side depending on the variety and they are all together wonderful.

If you are shy about telling when they are ripe start with some cherry ones so you can easily see the amber blush that appears, the ripest ones being nearest the main stem.

And the variety I suggest for that would be Green Doctors. GD also comes with a clear epidermis call GD Frosted and there's another one that also has a clear epidermis called Verde Claro, but those are a bit harder to tell when ripe but they wouldn't be a fave of so many unless it wasn't that hard.

As for larger GWR I suggest you start out with Cherokee Green. Others to consider might be Green Giant, Malachite Box, and Evergreen, aka Emerald Evergreen, just to name a few.

Years ago when so called black varieties were the fad, Craig L and I predicted that the GWR's would be the next fad, and that certainly has come to pass.

And of course the new dwarf Summertime Green is one of them.

Here's a link to Tania's list of green when ripe ones so you get the idea that they are not rare at all.


North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Well, If I went to a tomato taste testing I would be happy to try some green when ripe varieties. But as to actually trying to grow some in my garden, no thanks. One of the reasons I grow tomatoes is to have plenty to share with friends and neighbors. I know for a fact that I could never give a green one away. So I would have to be so in love with those tomatoes because I would be eating each one myself or throwing them away. Nope, sorry, no way. Just can't see it happening.

Albersbach, Germany

From my 2010 growout. Ami

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