Walter's Candy Stripe pics

Hopkinsville, KY

Very good taste, size and production and a nice looking fruit.

Thumbnail by kygreg2000 Thumbnail by kygreg2000
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Nice tomatoes!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Did you know that Candy Stripe is the word that's used to decribe almost any gold/red bicolor that grows in the SE? I didn't until I read it somewhere ( see below, I remembered).

It's just a general word that's used and when someone gets a hold of one from here or there then that person will often give it a different name.

Yes, there are two folks who list it in the 2012 SSE Yearbook. Neil in IL who got it from Bill Minkey in 1997 and Marianne Jones who got it from Neil.

And now I do remember it was Keith Mueller who picked it up at a Farmer's Market where more than one vendor was saying it was from here or there, and that was when Keith was doing his MS degree with Dr. Randy Gardner at NCSU in Fletcher, NC, which is just south of Asheville. And Keith has also said at several message sites in the past that it's just a general word that many folks use to describe a gold/red bicolor.

So there is no one variety that can be called Candy Stripe, really. My brother now lives in NC just above Asheville and his neighbor grows a bicolor and when I asked my brother what he called it he said it was a family heirloom and had no name. I didn't ask for seeds. ( smile)


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