Trade, Buy and Sell Daylilies

Highland, UT(Zone 5a)

This is new (new to me, anyway) on facebook. They have about 200 members so far, but growing fast. One warning--there are some people on there that selling very nice daylilies really cheap. And I'm not sure where I can fit anymore in my yard.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

i dont know how to do facebook. looks like thats a good thing

Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

Whats the name of the group?

Highland, UT(Zone 5a)

The name of the group is "Trade, Buy and Sell Daylilies." I guess I should have made that clearer. Sorry.

Highland, UT(Zone 5a)

The link is:

Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

Thank you.

Cartersville, GA

Just joined this group. Thank you for the information.


Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

geeeeze....I guess Im going to have to learn to facebook.

Ive thought about you Doris a couple time this summer while looking at my dwindling plants. LOL...It was sure easy of me to tell Linda out at the Salters that it is the summer that is the true test. That you just ned to stick with it. WELLLLLL...I did keep up with the weeds much better ;-O, but ive faded a bit here in the lat couple month. Went out to plant seedling this am and its just to humid. Clearly Im back in.


Cartersville, GA

Hi Pam,

This is the time of the year that weeds get away from me. I have been spraying Roundup this week, three days already and will run out with the next spraying. The weeds in the non-daylily areas are awful this year! It is because of the rain that we are having. We have not had this much rain in years in July and August. Our summer months have been very hot and very dry for years. But then, this has not been a normal weather year anywhere. I just hope I am getting most of the weeds before they go to seed. If I would put out pre-emergent, I would not have this problem. Maybe this will be the year to put out pre-emergent in the fall. I should go ahead and put it out now, even if it is a month early for our area. Hang in there. Fall will come, and the temperatures will drop. Are you still quilting?


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Same here with the weeds, and now I have to contend with my neighbors garlic chives all going to seed. I try and cut the seed heads off if they poke through my fence. They are spreading into my yard and all across my back fence. I have never tried spraying them with weed killer. I don't know if it would work on them.

Cartersville, GA

Cindy, we get weed seeds from the cow pasture that borders us on the back of our property. I spray Roundup as far it will go across the fence to kill off as many weeds as I can. I am not complaining, because I would much rather have the weed seeds from the cow pasture than houses back there. I am now out of Roundup and am going to Lowe's for more so I can start again in the morning. I have NEVER seen weeds this bad! At least they are wilting and will soon be dead.

Weeds are thriving here also. I have non-gardeners on both side of my yard. They provide me with weeds since they don't mow often enough. Nor do they water so grass is dead but the weeds survive. I have an anchor fence around my property. Every spring and through the summer I attack their weeds that grows along the fence. Also use my electric weed cutter. I do use Roundup on stubborn weeds but that stuff is expensive. I have other cans of weed killer that I also use.

My biggest problem is the hybrid elm seeds that are sprouting this year everywhere. They pull out easy when small, but harder when they are a few inches. Their roots are long. Then some jerk was dumb enough to plant cottonwood which this year bloomed and seeds flying everywhere.

Chives will die from weed killer. I had a plant that I got rid of that way. Love the stuff in salads but didn't realize how weedy it is.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Good to know thanks. I get elm trees a lot too. In fact I have a large one that I will probably have to dig out. That one will not be an easy pull out.

Cartersville, GA

We get the elm seedlings, too. You are right about them being hard to pull out once they get a little size on them. I have learned to get them early or else. I find cottonwoods, too. I sprayed one yesterday. I made the mistake of leaving some in a seedling bed several years ago. I won't make that mistake again. We bought Roundup Pro (2 gallons) last night at Lowe's. It is very expensive and more potent than the super concentrate that I have been using. I will use less and over time it will last longer and be cheaper. I want to get rid of some tall nandinas that I planted around our sunroom. I had sprayed some of them a couple of times starting last summer, and they are stunted but still alive. This new Roundup should finish them off. Better get outside and get started spraying. Severe thunderstorms are in the forecast for this afternoon. I would like to finish the spraying today.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Right with you, Ive got two gallons mixed up and need to beet the rain. Suns out, I guess there is no more excuses. Its just so humid

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

We also get a lot of thistle weeds and it does no good to pull them out. Within 2 weeks they are all growing back again. Guess I need to Round up them.

hemlady: if you want to get rid of that elm, cut it down to a stump. Then, drill holes with a large drill piece as far down as you can. Do several around the stump. Then use Roundup for hard to kill bushes like poision ivy and fill the holes with the concentrated, don't dilute it. I did this with some kind of tree that grew on the corner of my house, 1 ft away. The branches were sneaking in under my roof shingles. It took several pourings over the summer but it is dead. I dug as much of the dead wood and mushroom growing on it is finishing it. It never produced suckers. .

The problem with elm is that the root system is extensive, and though you kill the main, it will send up suckers from the roots. I had a huge hybrid elm that I had professionally cut down. It was not healthy and I was concerned over high winds knocking it down on my garage. The guy grinded the stump and roots down to 1ft. Guess what, I still have to Roundup the suckers every season. The suckers die but new ones pop up from a different spot where the roots still are. It will give up eventually. The tree was cut down 4 years ago. In my opinion, using Roundup straight in holes drilled in stumps is more effective since the weedkiller goes into the plant's system. Just cutting a tree down, don't do any good.

If anyone is planning to use weedkiller, wait until chance of rain is over. I don't go by the information on the product as far as rain.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh this elm is not that big, maybe about 4 ft. I am going to cut it down and paint it with this vine and stump killer I have. We did that with a volunteer mulberry bush that came up. It was a male and didn't produce any fruit so we used this stump killer made by Bonide and that did the trick.

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