Chipmunks eating hibiscus seeds & sad bloom season over

Tipp City, OH(Zone 5b)

I wish I could have seen this in person, but my hubby tells me that he watched a chipmuch climb up the fence and hop over and start munching. Hubby thought they were eating flowers, but they were eating the seeds that had developed from the spent blooms. Yesterday I looked and almost every single seed head was gone - unlike the others that are in a different area.

I guess I should have expected the hibis to end blooming sooner this year since everything seems to be early. My new Lady Baltimore and a few of the old hardies are putting out a bloom or two and I got one more Lord Baltimore bloom after none for couple weeks. Looks like it is trying to make seeds but I don't think it can, can it?

My most exciting discovery this year is finding out how easily stems root. After receiving expert advice from M. Ronayne, I rescued a Lord Baltimore stem that was separated from the plant by severe wind. But then I notice one of my old hardies had broken off too so I stuck it in a watering can and proceeded to forget all about it. To my surprise, it had filled the water can with roots. Now I am debating on whether to plant it in a pot or directly in the ground.

I just think hibiscus are such fascinating flowers - they are interesting in every step and I seem to learn something new about them every year. The rest of my family (save my aunt) do not quite understand my obsession - but I have an idea that many of you on here do!

Here's to celebrating hibiscus - one of the world's most interesting flowers!

Thumbnail by kljflower

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