Not blooming, need help


We have had daylilies for three summers now and so far, about three blooms. How long does it take for these plants to bloom? All the plants that lived are hardy and happy, just no blooms. We have eight different, all hems. We have roses blooming in the same area, also, Tulups, oriental lilies, lilacs and many other plants, the PH is near 7.0

Thumbnail by chucki
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Check and make sure they have full sun and that they are not planted too deep. Only a daylilies roots should be planted. Where the plant meets the roots is called the crown and that should be above ground or they are not happy.

Normal, IL

Blame the Pug !!

What a cutie!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

I have one so far that took three yrs to bloom. When it did it was amazing. Patience Chuckie, patience ! In this hot and dry season make sure you are watering to supplement low rainfall. Mike


Oh No!!! coldest summer on record for july this year. plenty sun and rain tho. last few days have been around 65 d/f , part sun, part cloudy.
I have roses blooming next to the day-lilies.

The pug said it wasn't him it was the cat.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Cute pug.

Cindy, my daylily crowns are always below the soil, but not by much. I've always read not more than an inch below. I never thought they should be above. I don't have any problems with my daylilies blooming at all. I would think in AK they should be below the soil, and probably mulched for the winter.


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

They eventually work their way below the soil but I have always read that they need to be above the soil or they won't bloom. It's alright to have some soil around them but not to suffocate them. Too deep can also cause crown rot.

I have read that the crown should be 1" below the soil. That is how mine are. I neve have problems with them blooming, even a few months after planting. I have never heard that the crown should be above ground.

Even irises that they say should have the top of the rhizome exposed to the sun, I plant just under the soil due to our harsh winters.

This message was edited Aug 19, 2012 9:43 PM

I noticed you live in Alaska. A thought came to me that maybe you have the wrong type of DL for your harsh climate. There are evergreen (EV), semievergreens, and dormant types. I buy only semievergreens (SEV) and Dormant (Dor) types. I am sure that even the ones I buy have some EV in the background.

I have read that the EV require heat of summer to blooms and do best with mild winters although they will survive harsh winters. I have noticed since I pollinate my DL in the morning before going to work and while it is still cool that blooms are opened. Not so this past few day when the temp have gone down to 50 at night. It seems that blooms require higher temperature to open. Not all DL blooms open at the same time. It would be interesting to see if it has anything to do with the foilage type. Maybe those with some EV in their background are the slower to open on cool mornings.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

l" below is ok according to AHS but not any deeper.

I stand corrected. I guess I have been planting wrong for over 20 plus years, LOL. Anyway with all the mulch through the years, I guess mine are under ground too.

This message was edited Aug 20, 2012 9:46 AM

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LOL! Yes, the mulch would put them underground.

Blomma, you might have something there about the EV and such not being hardy enough in AK. It's a pretty tough climate, and I would go with only dormants if I lived there.


Karen, Bob recommended that I purchase only Dormant and semi-eves. That is what I have been doing. Of course way back in generations, there may be some EV genes, but in a diluted form.

hemlady, thank for the link. Interesting to read. I have saved in Favorite.

Karen and hemlady,
Figure this one out. Seeds purchased from Terry at T's Flower and Things. Parents are the same GOLDEN SCROLL X HUSH LITTLE BABY. That makes the 2 completely differen seedlings siblings.

Is it possible that 2 seedlings can look so different and have the same parents?


Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

They sure can.

Really?? That is amazing. I have more siblings but they haven't bloomed yet.

I was reading Mick account on hybridization in Growing Daylilies Together . According to him, Sev and Ev should be crossed with Dor and not necessarily for hardiness. It was a long article but I neve read anything about why, unless I misses something.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I heard something about that too. Here is a cross of Marvin Mcgee Memorial x Skinwalker. Look at all the different ones it produced.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2012 7:15 AM

Thumbnail by hemlady Thumbnail by hemlady Thumbnail by hemlady
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Oops. Forgot 2 more pics from this cross. Notice all 5 are different. With diploids I believe there is about 200 different possibilities from a cross and with tetraploids that is double.

Marvin Mcgee Memorial x Skinwalker

This message was edited Aug 21, 2012 7:20 AM

Thumbnail by hemlady Thumbnail by hemlady
Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

Siblings. Not a good picture, just thought the size difference was interesting. Darned if those were not the only seedlings of that cross that bloomed, so I didnt get a tie breaker. Hope May will tell.
Clearly, these are cull seedlings, but I saved till sibs bloom. Now that Im typing, I dont know why I did that, well anyway.

This message was edited Aug 21, 2012 8:37 AM

Thumbnail by gardenglory

hemlady, thanks for the illustrations to prove a point. That is interesting. I bet then that the seedling/s I sold was probably the most beautiful. I find it is hard to part with my creations. Do you find it difficult?

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Yes, that's right, siblings of daylilies can look quite different, though you'll usually see some similarities.

Nice seedlings from that cross, hemlady! I love that first one especially.

GG, those are nice, even though you consider them culs. I'm sure you would find someone who would want them. I always seem to find people who want my daylilies that I don't particularly care for, whatever the reason.


Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Great flowers!!! AMAZING!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes I do find it difficult to part with seedlings. I try to give them to people I know rather than compost them.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

This is the first year I have literally put one in the compost. Mother nature does alot of that for me, more than I would like. This year tho, I got lots of brown flowers. I mean that flower above, with the teeth, I would never get rid of that, but its brown. This planting year, even tho I love yellow daylilies, I have no seedling mixed with yellow, unless its another yellow. No pinks and purple mixes. No reds and purple either. I have a giant double with teeth that is brown becuase of that mix. Im sticking to like colors this year or plain daylilies mixed with a pattern. I really just dont want to see so much munge this spring. that Remembering Miss Martha yours. It is such a pretty clear pink. Just what I cant get.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes it is Pam. I lost the tag on it but I think it is out of Ed Brown. It starts out a nice pink but if it is real hot it turns a bit peach.


Why is everybody always picking on me? LOL. Thanks everyone for the info. Now, should I compost all and start over? Keep trying? Replant all at 1 inch below? I do mulch heavyly each fall (Oct. 1 here) and pull the mulch away in the spring, usually about May 1.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I wouldn't start over and you can leave the compost on all year round, I do.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I wouldnt start over, thats for sure. Those plants of yours are too healthy and green. Im always amazed at anything blooming that far north, with such a short growing season and sparse daylight some of the year.

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Sometimes daylilies just take a break from blooming for whatever reason I don't know. I had several that didn't bloom this summer.

Normal, IL

How did you acquire the daylilies? From a nearby gardener for whom they bloomed?

Do you know the variety names? Then you'd know if dormant, semi-evergreen, or evergreen...well as long as the daylily is true to the variety name.

I'm all for blaming the cat!!


Looking at the states most of you live in,it is as cold or colder there than here altho, we have 6 months of cold here. Most of the plants I have came from a lady in Nebraska, She chose the ones she thought best for colder weather.

Gainesville, FL(Zone 9a)

I would think the amount of light could be it. Those plants clearly dont mind the cold. They are very healthy looking.

Normal, IL

Doesn't appear the number of fans has increased significantly over 3 summers. They may be healthy but fussy. Most of us have had similar experiences...either give 'em away, sell em to someone, or move 'em to the best full sun location you have on your property.

I'd inquire of local garden centers and neighbors, which daylilies bloom there. Ideally, you could ask someone local growing daylilies to split theirs for you to get your started.

good luck!

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Chucki.. You might try some bone meal & blood meal, Put a handful of epsom salts around each plant & if you can get alphala pellets use them around the plant also. With the cooler weather you won't have to be afraid of burning the plants.

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Glad to see someone else using alfalfa pellets. When my daughter first bought daylilies in Litchfield CT, Mr. Hardy told her to put a handful of alfalfa pellets in the bottom of the hole. Build a little dirt mound on top of it and plant the lily. That is what I do with all of mine in NM.

Also, in the early spring, I go around each daylily and shove about 7 or 10 pellets into the ground around them. (Depends on the size of the plant)

Roses love epsom salts too.


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