Wanting to trade carnivorous plants and seeds

Beverly Hills, CA

Greetings all,
I am hoping to trade some carnivorous plants and seeds if anyone is interested. I have a lot of seeds, some of which I have tested recently and found viable and some I have not tried germinating in a while but would be happy to on request (if you want to wait that long). I also have about 20-30 sarracenia species and named hubris cultivars, some of which can be divided soon. I have about 20 Venus flytrap cultivars, close to 30 pygmy sundews, mostly species but some hybrids. 5 species of tuberous sundews two of which I have extra tubers (peltata and macrantha). I don't have any extra drosera regia right now but have a ton of seeds I will be sowing pretty soon here when some space frees up in my growing area. Also have various plants which I do not regularly propagate bit can on request. (The list above is very partial). I am very interested in Utricularias, highland nepenthes, cephs, helis, really anything I don't have. Also on the lookout for droseras in the petorialis complex! Very interested in tuberous droseras as well. Currently building my ping collection, I have about 7 of them. If you have any genlisea I am very interested.

I know I have not listed specifics. My computer is broken so I am typing this on my kindle. I am currently updating my grow list(my DG grow list does have some of what I have), if you are interested I can send it to you (my text file list). When my computer is fixed I will update this.

Thanks for your interest

By the way, my preference is carnivores for carnivores but I am happy to consider other trades as well.

Beverly Hills, CA

Oh, I just realized this is supposed to be for seeds specifically. I have tons of seeds! Mostly sarrscenia and drosera. I do have some fresh darlingtonia seeds I harvested this year as well.

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