Great place for Homesteading info of EVERY kind.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

It just so happens that I had added that one to my list of Likes this morning. It's ok.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I have liked them for a while, there are all kinds of great ideas, from trash to treasure, to great recipes.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I "liked" them a long time ago and they have some pretty neat ideas. I enjoy them. Thanks for sharing.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

I feel like a homesteader! My hubby was out of work for 2 years and we are so remote that it isn't worth the gas to get a minimum wage job here IF there was one. I have a few ideas to generate revenue but it's a slow go. It takes $ to make $! When we think we might get ahead, something comes up- I guess we all face this stuff. Good thing tho we live where we could have close to self-sufficient living. I have gardens but even dirt is expensive. We get eggs from our chickens but we still must buy their feed. We HAD livestock but my hubby isn't into it. Hopefully, when we sell this place, we will keep that in mind for the big move to Deland, where my hubby's brother lives. It's a different (by not much) climate there so gardening there will be a new set of rules. I am excited- out here in the Everglades is a hard life, especially with only a weekend hubby. We will put this property on the market soon.With all the survivalists' talk, I think it'll sell. We are very remote.

Today I repotted 6 keylime trees and am working on planting cuttings to take when we move. It was so hot, I'm exhausted. Everyday I try to put in at least 3 hours of outside work. Some days more, some less. I have 13 types of bananas which are fruiting now so I need to get as much yard work done as I can to take the time to make and can banana butter. I also want to dig up a plantain pup and an ice-cream banana pup to move with. Those 2 are my favorite.

I have a lot of tropical plants too that need pruning badly, which I hope to root before the cold comes. It's perfect now- not too hot with some rain. My shade house is packed full so all that stuff need to come out to start up a new batch of cuttings in there. My old turkey pen is now my plant nursery.

My daughter is getting married soon and there will be many distractions coming up for my gardening game plans. I have 6 raised beds empty right now and it's killing me. I have planted several kinds of peppers in another one and I have many seed trays started but nada. The plants should come up but I don't know if we do get a winter here this year, if they will produce. We only had one cold day last year. I had big plans for my peppers.

Well, everyone have a nice evening!

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I so wish I could grow citrus here. I miss the oranges, satsumas and lemons we had in La.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

how do you make banana butter? it sounds rather tasty

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

I was wondering that too.

Fort Garland, CO(Zone 4b)

I'd like to hear about the banana butter too. Love bananas and plantains.

Cajun, i feel your pain. I'm from NOLA, and had bananas, plantains, loquats, celeste figs, night blooming jasmine, elephant ears, bamboo, and more in my yard. I'm in zone 4 now, and it's beautiful, but I sure do miss some of the tropicals I grew down there. A greenhouse is on the 'to do' list for the spring.

Belle Center, OH(Zone 5a)

The post about banana butter got me curious. SO I got online and did a couple searches. I finally found the recipe I made and so far everyone is ooooohin and aaaaaahin over it.

4 cups mashed bananas
1pak of sure-jell
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
6 cups sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice.
8 1/2 pint jars and lids
in a 6-8 quart saucepan bring the bananas, lemon juice, and nutmeg to a full roiling boil stirring constantly. add the surejell and stir in. I added 2 tblspoons butter to keep the foaming down. add the sugar all at once and bring back to a boil stirring constantly. boil for 5 minutes then remove from heat and quickly ladle into 1/2 pint jars. wipe the rims add the lids and screw the rings down firmly. waterbath for abut 15 minutes with the water about 2 inches deeper than the jars. allow to cool and put your rings back. I had the canner and the jars and lids already bioling before I mashed the bananas. This made the 8 jars advertised, plus enough extra to put on a couple biscuits to try it out. It is now written in the book as it will become a part of our standard repertoir. Hope some of you can use this.

Crozet, VA

Yummy.....never knew or gave thought to banana butter, but it does sound tasty to a banana lover. Thanks everyone.


Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Sounds delish.

Everglades, FL(Zone 10a)

Yep, that's the recipe- sorry I missed this post. You can experiment too with cardamon.
I am not sure how many stalks of ice cream bananas I have now. If it gets crazy, I'll drop some off at the fire station.
Nutella and banana butter is good too!

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