What seeds are these? German green bean, but what variety.

Whitesburg, TN(Zone 6b)

I received these seeds from a friend of mine. He says they are green-bean seeds from Germany. He says a friend of his was stationed over there and asked to buy some of these, but the Germans refused to allow an American to take these seeds home. So...of course...he stole several and brought them back. These seeds are the BIGGEST green bean seeds I have ever seen. They are slightly purple in color.

Does anyone know the name of this variety?

I am going to grow them out to save seeds, but I might have to wait until next Spring. If I could figure out what they are, and there was enough time left this year, then I would try to grow them out now.

Does anyone know what these are?

I am not entirely convinced that they are "green beans". They look like a very large pinto to me.

Thanks for any info, Mike

This message was edited Aug 4, 2012 1:24 PM

Thumbnail by Carolina_Mike Thumbnail by Carolina_Mike
other, Germany

maybe they are seeds of Phaseolus coccineus

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

I was thinking the same, AndyBonsai.

Whitesburg, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for the input. I have looked this up on google and wiki and believe that you may be correct. I also talked to Ron, my seed source, and he says that the blooms of the beans were supposed to be bright red. This all lines up with Phaseolus Coccineus; and probably the Scarlet Runner. I am pleased to see that it is a perennial vine and has edible tubers as well. Now, I just have to figure out what variety it happens to be.
According to wiki, they are:

Aztec Half-Runner, also called "Potato bean"
Black Runner
Case Knife
Hammond's Dwarf
Lady Di
Painted Lady
Pickwick Dwarf
Scarlet Emperor
Scarlet Runner
Sun Bright
White Dutch Runner
White Lady
White Swan
Whistling Dixie
Wisley Magic

I will be planting three seeds shortly, and the other three in the Spring. I will keep this updated.

Thank you very much for the hint, I was completely at a loss,

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