wanted: red mallow seeds hybiscus

Center, TX

I would like to have some red mallow seeds for postage. Or I will trade for other hardy hybiscus. Also want some Texas star Hybiscus seeds. D mail me with details. alda

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

I'll have red hibiscus, pink and also dinner plate hibiscus.......or when you say "mallow" are you meaning bee balm? my hibiscus are still in bloom so seed won't be available for a couple more weeks.....keep in touch if you want some.

Center, TX

Oh, yes I would love some pink and red. I have pink swirl and burgandy. I think that "mallow" means that it grows wild in some places. It grows down on the Texas coast. And I would love some of the Texas star in both colors. Thanks, Alda

Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)


Since you guys are clearly have been growing and planting hibiscus for a long time, I was wondering if you could let me know how many years does it take for a hibiscus to flower from seed?


Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Sure, I'd love to say that my hibiscus are also growing in Texas! Give me a couple of weeks (or less) they are still blooming, but when ready I'll mail.....just give me your address in the Lone Star state and we'll get on it. What other perennials do you have that I may want some seeds from?

Center, TX

Hey Kan, I have rose of sharon, daylillies, daturas( double purple, double yellow, and white), mexican petunias( pink and purple) and many more. If you want any d-mail My address is Alda Yarbrough, 782 CR 3140, Center, TX 75935 Thanks, Alda

Barbourville, KY(Zone 7a)

To partially answer your question, there are very many species and it varies, but I have found that if I start them early enough these species bloom the first year in my garden. I'm sure there are many more but off the top of my head:
H. moscheutos
H. trionum
H. coccinea
H. splendens
H. laevis
H. militaris
H. cannabinus
H. radiatus


This message was edited Aug 4, 2012 11:10 AM

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

H. moscheutos; in germination test at the moment, if all goes well I will send them to you,the cultivar is May Grande.
There is also two seeds of Fireball left over after everyone wanted them.I grew half a dozen for my garden and there is a half a dozen growing in pots besides the ones that have been given away. The germination rate was 100%with those and I will send them as well. I believe I still promised you a few, if or when I had them.I have more than I know what to do with at the moment. Fireball is a "Mallow" type Hibiscus.

Center, TX

Hi juhur7,
When you get more fireball, could I get a few? That is what I`m looking for. I would love any in white, white with burgandy center, bright red or yellow. When you have some d-mail me with details. Thanks, alda

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Will do!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

As usual, my red TX Stars have yielded a zillion seeds - I'm going to make a offering post soon but will give priority to anyone who is also posting to this thread of alday's . . . If you don't have something to trade, just send me a self-addressed envelope with loose stamps totaling at least 70˘ and I return the envy with plenty of seeds. BTW, I pretreat all my seeds with ground cinnamon to help suppress damp-off and increase germination rates.

Otherwise, please see my want list » http://davesgarden.com/community/trading/list.php?list=want&member=LazLo . . . or query me in DMail if you have other ideas for trades.

What is a mallow?   Well, I've found that a mallow is darned near anything that wants to be a mallow . . .
Check it out with this search in the plant files » http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/adv_search.php?searcher[common]=mallow&searcher[family]=&searcher[genus]=&searcher[species]=&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&searcher[grex]=&search_prefs[blank_cultivar]=&search_prefs[sort_by]=rating&images_prefs=both&Search=Search

Just kidding . . . mallow indicates the plant is a member of the Malvaceae family - - thus it includes everything Hibiscus.

A T B T Y !           ~           Łaz    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

From what I know about hibiscus (which isn't much)....I believe they bloomed the first year they were up.....I'll keep this thread and send pink, white and red to you Alday.......I don't know what daturas are.......but if you have any daylillies besides yellow or tiger lilly, I'd like that......Also what is fireball and Texas star....do you think they'd grow in Pennsylvania?

Center, TX

Lazlo, You have all the answeres. Thanks for that advice. Do you have any seeds of Desert Mallow? Thats the orange gold color? Where could I find that? LOL alda

Center, TX

Hi Kant, Daturas are angel trumpets. I have double purple/white, double yellow, and single white. They are beautiful. They make tons of seeds on each plant. The fireball and Texas star is hibiscus and I think the will grow allmost anywhere. I have to keep mine watered. I also have confederate rose hibs if you like. alda

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Actually, daturas are devil's trumpets. It is the brugmansias that are angel trumpets . . . brug trumpets point toward the Earth while datura trumpets point upward to Heaven. LOL.

Regretably, I do not have desert mallow seeds, Alda. But if you come across them and end up with extras, pls. gimme a shout! My wife is getting kinda goofy about hibiscus of all types - - more and more of my limited gardening space is going to hibiscus. Right now I have 7 tropical hibiscus plants in the ground - - they overwinter here in OzTown well in full sun locations with south and sw exposures as our winters are getting more and more non-existant. I swear we are no longer in zone 8b but are now in 9a.

TX Star hibiscus (H. coccineus) are also called "swamp mallow" . . . an indication of their love of water. The best and tallest ones I know thrive nearby garden water features and ponds. BUT they will also do well and give excellent bloomage in drier areas which get regular watering (such as mine do) . . . They grow larger and bloom sooner the moister the site. My TSHs took 2 years to bloom and are now 3˝ ft. tall after 3 years. You should prune them right to the ground at the end of October every year - - - they will rise up happily blooming by the end of June. Now that is all fine for the red cultivar . . . White (alba) is another story . . . I've only seen them succeed in moist conditions, near streams and ponds. Good luck!

Thumbnail by LazLo
Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey All :)

I have some extra white Texas Star Hibiscus seeds that I can trade. I had sent some to another DGer and was supposed to get Red Texas Star but she never sent them. Would love to get some for next year's planting :)

kantzklan, we grow the white TSH here in MO every year as an annual and they do very well for us so I am sure you can grow them where you are too. We have to bring in our tropical hibiscus in the fall.

If anyone has any tropical hibiscus starts, please let me know.



Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Connie, i can get some 'Brilliant' tropical hibiscus cuttings off to you for some of those white TSH seeds . . . i've been unsuccessful with them so far - perhaps you have some guidance to lend?


Thumbnail by LazLo
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

from Lazlo's seeds last year.. the white should open anytime.. I water them a lot.
He has good seeds..

Thumbnail by joeswife Thumbnail by joeswife
Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Very pretty blooms Debra!! I need to see if my pics of the white are on my other computer.....

Lazlo, we water the whites every day, keeping them moist. Do the reds not require the same? My tropical hibiscus blooms solid red so I will pass on those cuttings. I greatly appreciate the offer though :) I will be more than happy to send you some seeds. If you get some seed off your red TSH I would truly enjoy receiving some of those. Again, I had sent white to another DGer but never received my end of getting the red in exchange.


Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

I found 'em :)


Thumbnail by aspenjocop Thumbnail by aspenjocop
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Terrific, Connie. I have your addy and will put a fat packet of seeds for the red TSH in the wind for you tomorrow (Weds.). I always have thousands of seeds for the red . . .

The red cultivar evidently needs less moisture to get along than the white. I will try growing them in pots first if you send a packet of seeds for the white . . . in the past I have done direct sowing and tried to keep the bed moist, without luck as I wrote before.

The first photo is of a bloom from my Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Brilliant' . . . another is here » http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/226458/

The second photo is of the red TSH from which I harvest seeds for my trades . . .

The third is of my freckle face blackberry lilies . . . which btw, I also have gazillions of for trades with anyone, anytime, anywhere . . .

You will have red TSH seeds in a few days.

A T B T Y !         ~         Łaz    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

here's a link that should give all on this thread some very useful reading » http://www.plantanswers.com/hibiscus.htm

A T B T Y !         ~         Łaz    ;--)

Thumbnail by LazLo
Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

That is great Lazlo :) I have a packet for you that's waiting on an envelope. Gotta go to town tomorrow for groceries and get some more bubble envelopes. Too bulky for a regular one?? Heck, I might find some extra seeds of something else for ya between now than then lol! Your blooms are very pretty :) I will go read about hibiscus now. I know I could learn a lot lol.



Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

thanks, Connie. as always i will be looking forward to receiving new stuff for my apt. garden . . .

had a visit by a local couple, new pro fotogs, and have attached some of their shots from around my garden ...

Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo Thumbnail by LazLo
Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

I did find some extra seeds of something else (wink) and enroute to you. When you get blooms on them, I would LOVE to see those pros take a pic or two for you to post. Those pics show every detail perfectly. If they would like to travel to the midwest, I would be more than happy to let them take pics here. Shoot, we'd even feed 'em lol!



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