Would some of you take pictures of the land around you

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I have always wante dto go to the other side of the pond but will never be able to.


north coast nsw, Australia

is this what you mean? paddocks paddocks and more paddocks around me...but we only have a house block amonst it. hehe!
See the rivers not to far away to.

This message was edited Aug 2, 2012 3:31 AM

Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy
Merino, Australia

A few views in my area of south eastern Australia.
We have mostly open rolling farm country , but there are small groups of mountains.
Mainly the remains of ancient volcanoes . No where near as high as the mountains overseas , although there are a few that are quite high along our Great Dividing Range which runs along the east coast.
There are some lovely ferny places not far from here and a lot of light bush land full of xanthorea or grass trees.

pic 1 .. some of the xanthorea.
pic 2.....a painting I did of the river not far from here.
pic 3......some of the tree ferns about half hours drive away.
pic 4.....a typical road side with the lovely old red gums.
pic 4 .....view from the back of my yard of the grassy paddocks that are used for mainly sheep and cattle.


Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset Thumbnail by 77sunset
Brisbane, Australia

1. A Sunday drive on a grey day south of Brisbane.
2. A couple of kangaroos in the paddock. I actually don't see many kangaroos as we tend to have more wallabies around us (which I think are cuter than kangaroos anyway).
3. Lizards are often seen in the local nurseries.
4. A cute little wallaby.
5. An echidna. These are getting scarcer around here with the destruction of the land for development.

Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong Thumbnail by DawnSong
north coast nsw, Australia

we do live low, close to the river but it doesnt quite get in our house when it floods.
This is a pic of our town from the sky, we live up the river inlet on the right of the pic and not on the beach.
We have 2 white kangaroos that come around our house.

Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy Thumbnail by breeindy
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Wow these are some awesome pictures I really appreciate the postings. I will probably never get to your land but it is beautiful.
I just today learned about Austrailian rosemary from a program called Victory Garden.
Love your landscape also
Thank you so much


Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

A few from around the area.

This message was edited Aug 17, 2012 7:42 AM

Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty
Brisbane, Australia

I am enjoying these also. What a delightful thread.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

Since a child I have wanted to visit Down Under but at 62 I will never get there so I am really enjoying this, amazing how things there look like thing here except the Roos. LOL I appreciate these pictures folks

north coast nsw, Australia

holty were about are you? looks like you have the west and coast around you.
Fig tree taking over a fence post....

Thumbnail by breeindy
Merino, Australia

Hello all again. I just posted a thread of our wanderings yesterday . You may like to see the pics.
I should have put them on here.

Heres a link to them

This message was edited Aug 21, 2012 12:00 PM

barmera, Australia

Hi all Just a few pics of the Riverland South Australia, where I live. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris Thumbnail by ctmorris
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

The 3rd picture with the bikes n river banks really looks like here where I live.
I am enjoying this post.

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

Northern Rivers NSW and part of the beauty of living around here is its diversity . Within a few minutes in any direction you can find something different happening.

Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty Thumbnail by holty
Swan Hill, Australia(Zone 9a)

Hi Everyone, I have just joined this site, in the hope of identifying some of the plants I have, making friends with similar interests and swapping plants with other members. Love this thread and have added some pics of a few places I have visited recently.
Cheers C.

Pic one is a koala that joined us for breakfast on a fishing trip at Ulupna Island on the Murray River near Strathmerton Victoria.
Pic two is the campsite at Ulupna Island.
Pic three is looking from the campsite towards the Murray River at Ulupna Island
Pic four is mountain ash trees on the road to Mt Hotham Victoria
Pic five is a hut beside the road to Mt Hotham

Thumbnail by Confusticated Thumbnail by Confusticated Thumbnail by Confusticated Thumbnail by Confusticated Thumbnail by Confusticated
north coast nsw, Australia

swan hill down near Hay? I use to live in Hay years ago, its like a nice oasis in the desert when its dry.

This message was edited Oct 7, 2012 3:30 PM

Swan Hill, Australia(Zone 9a)

Hi breeindy, yes I live about 70klms from Swan Hill , about half way between Bendigo and Mildura.

Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

I think its wonderful that my curosity about Down Under has lead a flower friend to you all. I still hope someday to get to your country.
Love thse pictures and I want a Kolala dirty fellow or not.LOL

Newcastle(NSW), Australia(Zone 10a)

Yesterday, my sister went to Mayfield Gardens at Oberon near Bathurst in new South Wales. Its not very old yet, but is going to be fabulous just by what they have done so far. Jaw dropping scenery helps immensely.

Check out the picture gallery! http://www.mayfieldgarden.com.au/gallery.aspx

The Hunter Valley Gardens, not too far from where I live, is an up and running proposition and is the first,(I think) such a designed and lovely garden in NSW anyway. Getting a bit too commercial, but lovely nonetheless!

Here's their Gallery: http://www.hvg.com.au/gardens/gallery

Thumbnail by Gabi65
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Sorry Lavinmae,.I switched off at first, as I thought you were oriental or indian, trying to scope our land out, or start a pesky phone service[GO AWAY]I love my country, and I hate where it is heading,.Heres a Roo for you.,

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

LOL, nope I am just a poor american who loves plants and have always wanted to vacation in Australia but will never be able to money wise so I asked for pictures so I could just travel in my mind. Love the Roo.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

I love you for your honesty, and you sound like me.. I would love to come to America,[but cashstrapped].,.,.,.,.Maybe we could swap countries for a while? Do you know much about 'Sulphur Crested Cockatoos', because my life is consumed by a BIG baby one at 52 yrs old.,.Or old Diabetic cats needing 2 needles a day.but I wouldnt give either of them up for the world,.,.and Cocky gives massive beak kisses and sooty gives me big snuggly loves,..,.,Please [privately] send me your address, and 'I'll hunt down an Aussie Animal Calender or something to send to you for christmas,..The Roo is [or was] 15 feet over the back fence.. I did see a wallaby out there last night, eating the bread i had thrown over,Very glad to meet you Lavina-Anthony

Thumbnail by g_whizz
Newcastle(NSW), Australia(Zone 10a)

I live in (on?) the City of Lake Macquarie, 40k South of Newcastle, 150k north of Sydney, New South Wales. Lake Macquarie is a salt water lake with an inlet that is constantly clogging with sand. Now that commercial fishing has been banned in the lake, there are way more fish for the holidaying tourists and fishermen. Unfortunately the number of Bull Sharks has increased beyond all imagination. They are going to have to net the swimming areas!
1.The town of Grafton in Northern NSW in the Jacaranda Festival.
2. The view of Lake Macquarie from the terrace of Dobell House, former home of Sir William Dobell, painter.
3. Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Painters heaven!
4. Avalon head and Avalon beach, one of the best of Sydney's northern beaches.
5. Cable beach in Broome, up near the top of Western Australia in the Kimberley area.


Thumbnail by Gabi65 Thumbnail by Gabi65 Thumbnail by Gabi65 Thumbnail by Gabi65 Thumbnail by Gabi65
Grantsboro, NC(Zone 8b)

All of you have shown me some beautiful pictures I truly appreciate it more than you know.
I watch a guy showing off Australia last night on PBS andyou have a beautiful country.


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