PINK tall Phlox 4 trade Offers Welcome

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have several large, or small if broken down, clumps of pink tall phlox.

Wanted for trades of various size (I can divide the huge clumps into small trades or send large clumps):
They must be able to thrive in zone 6/7

succulents, low growing sedum (not autumn joy)
bird feeder
survival gear (my sons are making survival pack for themselves -adults- have all the basics but odd things could be useful)
quality plant food (not found in box stores)
quality slug killer (not found in box stores)

suggestions welcome - DMAIL ME

This message was edited Jul 31, 2012 9:05 AM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I think we can trade.. I have all the things on your want list here.. I would love to have some tall phlox.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Great - wife of Joe! lol DMAIL me with what you have to trade. I have 4 very large clumps of tall pink phlox. I believe these are 4 or 5 year old plants so you may only want one or 2 to divide. Send pictures


Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Anyone interested in these beautiful, large tall pink phlox? I have to relocate them and it's time to cut them back so it's a good time for me to ship.


Tiffin, OH(Zone 6a)

Kathy, I am interested.
I have some really nice garden books if you are interested in them. Let me know your interests.
Also have starts of Rose of Sharon shrubs, white "David" tall garden phlox, old-fashioned coral bells -these are at least 50 years old and require almost no care and the hummers love them-light green foliage and medim pink blooms-if you clip off the spent blooms they will send up fresh ones all summer. Also some daylilies- the one in the pic is Regal Finale an older (1988) dark burgundy to black-very dramatic & looks nice with Stella d'Oro in front of it. The gold throat of Regal picks up the color of the Stella and is taller.
Lots of other stuff so LMK if you need anything in particular. Thanks,MWhit

Thumbnail by mwhit Thumbnail by mwhit Thumbnail by mwhit
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for responding. I just dug & took pictures of my large clumps. Heading out to plant them in a 'waiting bed' where it will they will have great soil and shade until I decide where they will live.

I don't do daylilies anymore, just traded off several David phlox, and have more rose of sharon popping up than I can stand. That said, what is the difference in your 'old-fashion' coral bells verses regular CB?

I am looking more for agastache/hossip, lily bulbs, hydrangea that I don't have or other shrubs I may not have - just throw something out there to see what you have that we could trade for.......I guess you saw my first post of things other than plants....


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