Mushroom growing on my Maple tree.

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

My best, biggest (65 feet tall?) oldest hard Maple tree has an old large wound, painted over about 4 feet off the gorund. Right now there is a nice, white 9" in dia. mushroom emerging from that wound. Does this spell doom for the rest of the tree?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

No - but a picture might help ID the mycological mystery...

Usually, the fruiting bodies of fungi on wounds like this mean a decompositional situation - not a pathogenic one.

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

About 9" in dia.

Thumbnail by gasrocks
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That looks like it is just part of the rot of dead interior wood.

Can you show more of the whole plant, and the whole old wound?

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Of course, the mushroom has withered by now. Laying at the bottom of the wound.

Thumbnail by gasrocks
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Need to get you to backpedal...

Trying to ascertain overall health of tree - thus request for "whole tree" image.

That wound appears to be closing reasonably, albeit slowly since it was large. I think you just have a mushroom indicating decay of the interior wood, since it was exposed by the wounding. This is quite common in trees, and not a reason to expect to lose the plant.

The sharp V crotch shown would be more likely a reason for sudden massive failure, since that is indicative of poor structure.

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Overall health of tree seems to be fine. This is the first sign of anything wrong. About 65 foot tall. Acts and looks like all my other large Maples.

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