Are we boys or girls?

Bridgewater, ME

I need to know if the 7 week old orpington chicks are girls or boys,the boys will go to the chicken swap this comming Sat. Give me your best guess.

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

boys or girls

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Oh wow, I can't tell! One of the differences I noticed with some recent replacement pullets is that a couple of them seemed longer legged than the rest. They turned out to be roosters. The redder combs and waddles also might be a hint. Do you see either of these traits? - Then there's always the smart-aleck, cocky behavior... The real experts need to speak up.

(Zone 6b)

I have no idea, but they are lovely.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm no help, they all look like hens to me, but I'm known for wishful thinking....:(

Richmond, TX

Perhaps new photos will show their gender progress?

(Zone 6b)

Remember my showgirl and tall white silkie I brought home from Dallas? That showgirl began to crow last week and the tall white silkie hen I'm beginning to wonder about. I called her "Big Bird" for awhile, she was just horrible looking, just incredibly tall and lanky. Not what a silkie should look like at all! Now I'm wondering, if she is a rooster. :) Not a pretty silkie, but who knows though, if it is a rooster, it might get better looking. It's got a nice crest, but so TALL.

I did get one good silkie out of that trip. She's the baby she grabbed at the last minute and gave me. I named her Polly. She's got a real show type quaility to her. Maybe not perfect, but it is there.

The three black silkie hens I paid $100 each for are a nice dark black. Their crests aren't that great, but she kept saying how "They come from good stock". They must have been very young because they have not laid any eggs yet. Even one of those may be a rooster.

It is hot hot hot here. Have been turning the sprinkler on for them.

Bridgewater, ME

Some new ones

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Then and now,my blue rooster he is 7 months old now and so far a good boy

Thumbnail by green04735 Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Like Catmad, I think they still look like hens. As LFJ pointed out: long legs often indicate roosters, yours don't look particularly leggy.

(Zone 6b)

Well the thing has happened. My long legged hen began to crow this morning. Sometimes I wonder about my own stupidity. lol :) It still was not dawning on me that that was a rooster and not a hen. All I could think was how dumb I was to buy such an ugly long legged hen. Pretty sure that lady knew what she was doing when she sold him to me too. Oh well. I seem to be ever on a learning curve.

Enjoying the pictures of your chickens Green. Looks like you are enjoying them.

Oh a positive note, he has a fairly large crest and may be a good looking rooster when he fills out. He is probably about five months old now.

Bridgewater, ME

LFJ lets see some pics of them

(Zone 6b)

Here you go Green. Thanks for asking. I took this this morning before I took him to the horse lot. I want so badly to have some nice rooster pens out there for them. The dog kennels are the big ones but still I wish they had a nicer bigger place to run around. I keep thinking about what I want to do out there, and never can figure it out. I made a little sketch today of it, and still don't know. My mind gets bogged down. What do I keep, what do I tear down, who do I get to help me, what kind of building or pens do I want, or can afford. You probably get the picture. The lot is 80' X 40' if I remember right. It isn't large but it isn't small either.

Here is big bird.

Bridgewater, ME

They are so cute,looks like mine.Your blacks are some black,I need some true blacks in my flock and some buffs.The only way for me to get those colors is to order eggs and I just don`t have good luck with that.

(Zone 6b)

Green I bought a black rooster a few months ago from a very reputable person. He's grown and very pretty with the green sheen that they say means he is a really good black. I call him Mountain. My hope is to breed him to one of these silkie hens. I really wanted some better hens, but these hens are really dark black, just a bit disappointed in their cushions and crests. They are real sweet little birds. I may upload some pictures of them.

I ordered a Hova-bator but sent it back. I didn't realize those things were styrofoam. So, I'm going for a hard plastic one as soon as I get a refund.

Here is Polly. She's still a baby and I am so afraid something is going to happen to her before she has some babies. I bought that little chicken tractor for her or any baby chicks I might eventually have. Was disappointed the bottom was not wired too. I need to put some hardware clothe on it. It is not safe the way it is. Any predator could easily turn it over or dig under.

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