(Zone 7a)

Hosting a Swap and didn't want anyone to miss out that doesn't go over into that forum.

Group participation is a great way to "feed" that exciting need for new and different plants! Who doesn't want new and exciting plants? Plants which are unusual and NOT available in the Big Box Stores... That’s what this swap is all about. My goal is to offer you the most exciting new and unusual seed varieties not available in the market today. Any plant can be unusual so please share whatever flower seeds you have that can not be commonly purchased in the store. It may just be what someone else is looking for. Personally I have collected and picked some interesting seeds that I will be unloading into this swap ☺.

** Every Participant ** - will receive a pack of Ismelia carinata in their package from me ☺. A vermiculite baggie and germination help with some of the uncommon seed types you may receive. I’ve included a pic of one of many colors of blooms the painted daisy produces.

Thanks and Happy Gardening!

Thumbnail by Kim_M
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Kim, I'd like to do a private seed swap with you since I missed your public one. Thanks, Judy Showers, Carlisle, Pa.

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