My daylilies have bloomed!

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Have to show these off...I'm so excited about this! Most are unnamed but really doesn't matter, they are beautiful!

Thumbnail by blueskyfd11 Thumbnail by blueskyfd11 Thumbnail by blueskyfd11 Thumbnail by blueskyfd11 Thumbnail by blueskyfd11
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Very nice!!!

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Thank you hemlady, i have posted pictures on facebook and my friends have commented on how nice they are to. :) I'm so happy!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

The lavender one is my favorite!!!

Rio Rancho, NM(Zone 7b)

Very pretty! That lavendar one looks like it might be a really old one. I love the coloring and expecially like the tomato red one. The clump looks like one my daughter has, but she doesn't know the name of it either.

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

The lavender one has turned out to be even more pretty with a lot of blooms on it and it stands right out. The tomato red one is more difficult getting to multiply and I'm sure why but it is healthy. Maybe if I replant somewhere else in my yard? It only gets afternoon sun.

Riverview, MI(Zone 6a)

I love the red one, but they're all very pretty.

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

Thank you rherma, I love being outside spending time enjoying them.

Riverview, MI(Zone 6a)

Yes, me too. I just planted my first daylily garden this spring so it's been exciting to see new blooms on them.

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Welcome to Daylilies Anonymous! We're all addicts here! Bet you will soon be planting more...and more...and more....................!

Riverview, MI(Zone 6a)

caitlinsgarden, yes, I can see that happening. I've already been eyeing an area around the back of my house as far as expanding it to get more daylilies in. We have an area of grass that doesn't want to grow well and I'm also thinking about digging the grass up and making that a daylily bed, but my husband says that would take up too much of the yard and lessen the play space for our 6 year old grandson....but, there's always the park down the street to play in :)

Harrison Valley, PA(Zone 5a)

It's so true about the addiction with daylilies! I cannot get enough and I'm looking for other areas to place future ones

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