Sun damage or virus? Please help!

Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

Hi all, I ordered some hostas online and when I received them they had spots on them. From the picture I posted does it look like sun damage or a virus? Any replys would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Thumbnail by Iris2222
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

That type of damage would indicate sun or weather damage, I believe. Damage from a virus would be all over the leaf. Google pics of hosta viruses to get an idea, particularly of HVX which is very common in hostas from some sources. What about your source - is it a private person or a nursery? Did you ask about their HVX control? If not, you really should treat them as possibly ill because HVX does not necessarily show symptoms right away. That means - keep them in pots, isolate them for a couple of years and always clean your tools (including your hands) well between plants. (Disinfectant wipes work well).


Carmi, IL(Zone 6b)

I bought them from a very popular online hosta nursery so I was doubtful that it was a virus but wanted to make sure. They talk about how they take preventive measures to avoid any viruses on their website so hopefully it is just sun damage, which is completely understandable with the drought conditions we've had. I am a newbie when it comes to hostas so I appreciate your reply Ann. Thank you! :)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear that it is a nursery that at least addresses the issue of viruses. Your chances of healthy hostas is much better. Also happy to hear that, as a newbie, you are aware of the virus issue. That's the largest part of the battle, I think.

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