Vanda with no tag - any ideas ?

Ruskin, FL(Zone 10a)

Does anyone know this vanda ? Thank You for your help , Lisa

Thumbnail by Elvis813 Thumbnail by Elvis813 Thumbnail by Elvis813
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

The most popular red Vanda is Robert's Delight but there are hundreds more that look similar. There is really no way to pinpoint it.


Ruskin, FL(Zone 10a)

THX Jim - Its a $5 rummage sale orchid - I've tried to stop buying them but I just cant . Best Regards , Lisa

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

$5.00 for a nice Vanda is a great deal. I would have bought it as well and looked for more.


Ruskin, FL(Zone 10a)

In the first photo under the flower - Its hard to miss , Thai disease ! Thats why you DO NOT buy $5.00 orchids !!!! This ones in the orchid hospital @ my home . Use - Zyban and paint the lesions with nail polish .

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Do not use nail polish on your orchids. Use Bayer and I agree with Jim; you got a deal. Very pretty Vanda. I've never known an orchid grower who uses Zyban. I'll ask around and if I find someone I'll let you know. Have you sent a photo to Martin Motes for confirmation? He is the last word on the topic.

north coast nsw, Australia

How big are the flowers?

Ruskin, FL(Zone 10a)

I'd say the flowers are 21/4 to 2 1/2 inches and still blooming . I think it might be Ascocenda Suksamran Beauty "Red " ( Ascda YipSum x Wah x V. Gordon Dillon ) If it is it would be my first time identifying a non species . I'm just no good at it ! I woke up to bad weather this morning and a beautiful Den. crumenatum in bloom for about the third time this year - I ran down in my PJ's before the rain to get some shots - Take a look . Thank You to all for your help . Regards , Lisa

Thumbnail by Elvis813 Thumbnail by Elvis813 Thumbnail by Elvis813
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

That is a pretty Dendrobium, Lisa. You may want to post it o
ver on our July bloom thread.


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