(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)




Thumbnail by deejay9
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

I got my RW&B box from my secret partner -- Susie (DJ) -- it was so awesome! Here's what I got from Susie: (see pic below)

A hand painted pot! I'm going to use it in a corner that can't have a permanent plant because it's too close to the house. LOVE it!

A Hastings MI mug --- I'll use it for tea and coffee.....and think of my MI friend!

American Flag napkin holders (SOOOO CUTE)....I'm using them at my next gathering which is Monday with my book club friends!

I put the red/white/blue pieces(not sure what they are called other than decoration!) in the garden for now.....they add a festive flare as I enter the house!

PLANTS -- OMG there were so many! I thought we were just doing a few! DJ sent me so much:
red yarrow
iris - 6 different kinds: Blue Fin TB, Red at Night SDB, Melon Honey, Stairway to Heaven, Blueberry Tart, Orient (something - I forgot already!)
poppy seeds (do I plant those now or wait until spring....what's best in your opinion?)
white hardy geranium
blanket flower
white campanula
purple campanula
candy tuft
3 types of day lilies: joan senior, red ribbon, outrageous

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! The box was such a surprise....I wasn't expecting it so quickly! And I spent yesterday and today planting and marking all the plants! No more losing tags for me! You all have inspired me to keep it organized!

Susie and I are close birthday babies....just one day apart.....Happy Almost our Birthdays! Girlfriend look for something special from me on Monday..... SURPRISE to you with love from me! xoxo Below are virtual cupcakes for Susie....they are real on this end for me! Yummy treats for the fun day!

To my secret pal -- your box should be arriving on Saturday - tomorrow!

Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yup we share the same B-day & so I wanted to be sure everything arrived on time >) have a fun time camping. ty for the cupcakes proble the only cake i'll have :)))) Unless i bake it Hehe
Monday The girls & I are planning to go to Applebee;s for Dinner then off to play Bingo :) so it will be a fun evening .

well another very hot hot day its my day in with daddy so i don't mind sitting inside :). guess i will get my paints out,
ya all stay cool & have a safe weekend :)

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey, all! I just received my swap from AliKat32 (Candi). THANK YOU! All I can say is wow, wow, wow! For my first swap like this, it was more than I expected. Here's my Red, White & Blue gift:
Mimulus Magic White Blotch
Sweet Caroline Raven Potato Vine
and a blue ground cover, I think. All I could see was "Blue" and the rest of the name was rubbed off.
Edited to say I found a tag inside the wrapper when I planted it and it turns out to be Lobelia.

Candi also included a couple items on my Want List:
Lily of the Valley & hardy geranium

Two other surprises were a cute white Flipflop picture frame and 2 packs of red and blue straws! You must be psychic cuz I always use straws with my drinks...even at home. I have this phobia about the ice cubes splashing me in the face when I drink beverages without a straw. Weird, I know.

Thank you again, Candi. Love the gifts.

This message was edited Jul 9, 2012 9:59 AM

Thumbnail by frausnow
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

fraus i also use straws I cannot drink from a can even if I wash the tops I cannot stop thinking about all the bugs & MICE Or Rats in the warehouses where these cases have to sit I shutter to think about it not sure why .
Nice plants also :) that fliflop is so cool looks as if it was made of cement;) so cute. love the ideas that come out of these swaps :)
everyone staying in & staying cool bet not , your all off to the BEACH :)))

well back to my painting .

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Mailing to my partner monday. Everything is ready to go with plant markers too.
Temp dropped 23 degrees in an hour last night, storm rolled through and left us a beautiful day today. Lots of gardening and yard work getting done.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy Happy Birthday, Candi! May all your blooms come true :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Deejay, I use straws in cans for the exact reason you do. I saw one of those news show documentary's where they showed how mice/rats defecated/urinated on the cans stored in warehouses, so yes, I wash the cans first and then either use a glass or straw. We must have seen the same story on TV.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes i saw it & sure made me stop to think about much of our can foods stored in the warehouses also & so all cangoods get washed tops before going to the pantry .

Candi ,TY TY TY For the wonderful set of cards you made for me to share with my friends I Just trully love them & As You can see By The Pots I Painted for you I"M Not the Best Crafter . BUT I Keep Hoping I Will get OLD Enough to get BETTER :) thank you for sharing with me .

Well my plans had to be cancled Tonight I slightly tripped over the House this morning & Landed on my Knee Banged it up pretty good but nothing broken, Just my Pride . but i called Judy told her we will have to go thursday night .
so here i sit with ice packs Jim brings out a knew one about every 2 hrs :)) what a brother & I have to call daddy every Hour to reassure him I'm ok or he drives jim crazzy with worry :) Here comes jim with my cruches Haven't seen then in a few years .they were out hanging in the shed pretty dusty but will water will take care of the dust I Guess .
at lease i can get to the bathroom when needed :)
Jim says I'm just trying to get out of work :)

wounderful handy work ty well off to elevate for awhile maybe get back here later

Thumbnail by deejay9
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

I received a BIG box from AHoogstra today and there was a cute little card inside but the card was blank - also the plants are not marked so I would post what I got but I haven't a clue - LOL! Alicia, can you let me know what you sent? Thank you very much for the plants!

Sue G

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Hello Everyone!

JoAnn -- glad the box arrived and everything survived! YEAH! Funny about the straws....I love to use them and I agree NEVER drink out of CANS! ICKY! But I wanted to send red/white/and blue packages of straws but I forgot to get the white ones at the grocery store! My mind - it's missing....if you find it let me know! And I couldn't resist the flip flop photo frame...! Happy planting!

Susie -- OUCH! I didn't know you had such tragedy on your BDAY ...that stinks! I was thinking of you winning all the $$ at bingo! I hope it's feeling better today! You are a great crafter! I love my painted pot! Do you paint other things - like pictures? What a cool medium to work in! I really haven't dabbled in that much ....besides painting the house and walls but I don't think that counts are "artistic" work! Glad you like the cards....most are from our adventures on vacations over the years....some photos are "borrow" from family the Hawaii shots -- those are from my dad's camera....wish I had been on that trip!

Happy gardening everyone! I am off to work....then I am meeting grammy in VT to help in her garden (mostly weeding for her) and she's making me dinner! Yum!

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Deejay, cute cards you received. Sorry about the spill you had and I can commiserate with you as I also fell on Friday evening. Actually, I slid halfway down the darkened hallway when I stepped in some cat puke and landed on my knee. Spent the weekend nursing it with ice packs. It's still scraped and black and blue, but feeling better. Those dang cats are going to be the death of me yet! Only have 3, but that's 2 too many. The youngest tends to eat too much. If the older cats don't eat all of theirs, she will finish it. Hope your knee is feeling better, too.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

STILL SOME SWELLING But i can get around . told jim I Didn't need the crushes :) big brother always thinks he knows best :) Oh Gotta Show Off I Got My Lattice Up Last night Jim Did It After I Went to bed got up this morning to this :)))
I bought the lattice this pass week so he put it on last night & then I had fun today hanging a few things :)))

My Shade topper should be here tomorrow I thought it was to be here by Monday still not here better be here tomorrow OR I WILL !!!!!!!!!!!!! as though that will help :) hehe .
& I had to show you how Big Tinker is getting :) & Being Quite the little boss around here :)

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Susie.....nice lattice work....and what an awesome place to pot and plant! You are a lucky girl! Tink is so BIG now! Glad we got an update! fell too!!!! I hear your pain....have many a morning stepped in cat puke....not pleasant any which way you look at it! I've got three as well....and a doggie! Mine are getting up there in age.....15 and two are going to be 14 this fall! Love them to bits.....most of the time!

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Alikat, we also have a dog. He just turned 10 yrs old. Love him to death. Got him as a pup from the local shelter. We got Tigger, one of the cats on the same day so they grew up together. He also just turned 10 yrs old. ThomCat is about 5 years old. ThomCat was a feral kitten when someone found him and took him in then gave him to us when they moved. Panda is our latest kitten almost 10 months old and most likely the one who puked. Tigger and Panda are in the last photo.

Thumbnail by frausnow Thumbnail by frausnow Thumbnail by frausnow
Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

JoAnn -- love your pet cute are they! What is your pup's name?

All of our pets are rescues.....

Ethan -- is a schnoodle - 8 pounds and smaller than all the cats!

Lucky is our only girl kitty -- she's black and white - and lovable....and friendly....and turning 14 this fall.

Chance (same color as your ThomCat) is Lucky's brother/litter mate -- he only likes my husband and would totally eat me if he was bigger! He's the biggest cat at 18 pounds. He's had several urinary surgeries and it's a miracle that he's still with us! We rescued Lucky and Chance when they were 4 weeks old and their mamma abandoned them because she was too cold...november litter! We bottle fed them and showed them how to use the litter was so cute to see them suck down baby bottles!

Stache is our oldest at 15 - he's the grey and white one....and he is like the great ambassador....he just gets along with everyone and never hisses or growls at anyone!

Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32 Thumbnail by AliKat32
Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

Alikat, Ditto on the photos. So cute. I love when they're all curled up. Our dog is Theodore....Teddy Bear, for short. How did you know Chance had urinary problems? I wouldn't know what to look for.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all Just wanted to let ya know I'm still around here SALE IS OVER For this Week , Now I Have the Fair to help at the BINGO Tent , I Have to get my Floors EPOXIED Hopefully This week . so I will be in & Out most the Week also in the 90's Not sure how i will do at the fair grounds :( well at lease its in the evenings :) 5-10 pm.

Just wanted to mention for all sending boxes out this week be sure to wrap a little extra mositure to the roots
but also be sure it can't leek out or ya might get in trouble with our postal sercive :) HEHE.

have to share what I found on my flower yesterday . at lease something gets to enjoy the beauty:) if I can't .

Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9 Thumbnail by deejay9
Cutlerville, MI

I am so sorry it took so long for you to get your plants, UPS said it was because of the 4th of July Holiday...I was on vacation the 7-14th, so I didn't want you to wait. (Can you tell I am new to this) All of your plants are full-sun........Chinese Delphinium (Blue Mirror) Balloon Flower (Aster White) Daylily (Red Square) Daylily ( Christmas Ruby), also a Crocsmia (Lucifer) Did you find a handmade card with it? How about a little cutie too?
Please let me know, I WILL send you all new babies if they don't make it!
So sorry;

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

Yes Alicia I found the little cutie too! thanks for the names One of the daylilies had a tag that said Acquire the Fire which one is that? Is the other one Christmas Ruby?

Sue G

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Crit/patti, you still around?

Cutlerville, MI

Yes.....sorry Acquire The Fire is one of them:) Hope you enjoy!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ALI-C Did you get rain today we got a some down pour then dryed right up .

Fruty that canna is the one I Grew from seed you sent me LIPSTICK ??? its the only Pretty one out there .
the others haven;t bloomed yet
Well I Went & picked up my sofa Hide-a-bed Looks more like a over size chair but it sure is confy:)
not crazy about the fabric but maybe one day can change that.

well i have to go in & sit with daddy so you all have a great day back later on the other computer:)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Cutlerville, MI

Hi Susie!
We didn't get any rain:( I am so sick of the dry spell! I've finally given up on watering the grass! I can only water my plants! Water bill was $174.00 for one month!!!!!!!! OOOOPPPPPPSSSSSS!
Hope everyone is getting some rain! Needless to say WE AREN'T:( Looks like the end of Aug around here!

Greenfield, NH(Zone 5b)

Ali - C -- i think we got your rain.....or at least some of's been so dry here that my plants are withering and looking dead....I am like you -- we can't water everything because we're on a well....and if that goes dry we are in BIG trouble! Cost thousands to drill a new one! UGH! The grass is dead! It looks horrible in most of my gardens....but I've been watering in small doses -- all those new baby plants....I don't want anything to die. I hope the rains last a bit....last week we got about 4 rain drops!

So -- where are my pistol packing mamma's??? I want to share that today we decided to go see one of our friends who was silhouette shooting (competition) with his .22mil rifle.....after they were done -- I got to shoot a bit and man was it fun to try and knock down those iron animals. Now I want a rifle....out of 40 - I only got now I've got to get in some practice! Anyway -- it was a fun way to spend a few hours.....and not too pricy $7 to enter and of course the bullets....

JoAnn -- Chance was acting funny -- like walking was hurting him....and we called the vet...they told us to see if he would go to the bathroom by locking him in a room for a while (with us)....we'll he tried and tried and we knew he was blocked! He had so many stones that the catheter got stuck and he need surgery to fix that along with taking out all the stones! It was scary for us....cuz he had so many and then there were complications so he needed another surgery! Nightmare to say the least! But he's ok now and a little terror.....just like he used to be!

I have no garden photos but a cute one of me and my nieces at the beach on was so great there....a cool breeze off the water kept us at just the right temp == not to hot--not too cold! Just RIGHT!

I have a question for any of you keep a garden journal and track when everything blooms? If so - what are you noticing? Any changes in patterns?

DJ - love the froggy....he's too cute on the flower! I've never seen one on any of my flowers before! Love the can't even tell there's a bed there!

Thumbnail by AliKat32
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi...sorry Iv'e been missing the heat has been horrible, the smoke from the forest fires has had me inside for weeks and the wind hasn't allowed me to do much in the garden for more than a month now. We actually got a bit of rain last week and may get some tomorrow, I hope!!!! The only thing I've done outside is pot things coming in and moving the sprinkler.

I hope to get my box out this week and I have one to pick up at the post office tomorrow. It arrived on friday but I was sitting the grandkids and didn't find out til after 7 pm, then I forgot to go to the post office on sat ( I remembered about 2 pm and the po closes at 10 am). I will be picking it up in the early am as I have one box going out, OH yeahhhh, a nice present waiting for me, thankyou Liz (sorry, lol, the name is on the slip from the po).

I sure hope my partner forgives me as I am sending a bit late, SORRY!!!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hello all. I have been MIA for so long and have sooooooo many posts to catch up on!!!!

First, I need to apologize to minne for not posting sooner! I had my DGD's, age 8 & 5, here since July 4th. They just went home last night. They LOVE my pool. We spent most of the afternoons out there. Good "babysitter", lol, but I have to be right there with them.

Mailman did not leave the box where it is usually put. Must of been a substitute. Anyway, they sat out there the rest of the day and all the next day until DH got home from work. He said "what's that priority mail box you got?" and pointed to it. I freaked. All I could think of was dried up plants! Where she sat it gets all the hard afternoon sun. So I grabbed it and ran around to the patio to open it. The girls were all excited and wanted to see the new plants. (I'm gonna make gardeners out of those girls yet!) So we unpacked them and oooh'd and ahhh'd over them together.

Before the plants, I have to mention the lovely copper hanger with the blue ball in it. DH thought it was so neat and got it hung up before I got the pic of it. lol May have to move it, doesn't get much wind where it is to swirl it. A GREAT hanging plate painted like a watermelon. I'm not 'positive' what it's intended use is, but I am going to make it a butterfly feeding station! Also she sent me a Burt's Bees tin of Res-Q-Ointment. I've never used this before. I'm thinking maybe it is for bug bites and such? Such GREAT STUFF!!!!!

Now, on to the plants. Nice big starts of them!

1. Sedum Hubrid "Vera jameson"
2. Lysimachia Clethroides
3. Mukdenia rossii Karasuba
4. Geranium Hybrid Sandrine
5. Coneflower White Swan
6. Coneflower PowWow White
7. Monarda Fireball
8. Lilac

Sooooooooooooooooooo very much appreciated Stephanie. They'll look great in my gardens. Have them potted up until I decide exactly where. I know the coneflowers are full sun, but will have to look the others up. I don't even know a couple of the most definately will know soon! I can't tell you how much what a great box this was and with the extra lovely's to boot! Again, I apologize taking so long to post. The girls took so much of my time but we had a great time while they were here.

NOW, on to the plants

Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh, BTW, I lost the link to the want/have list. I could probably find it if I go looking, but thought one of you might have it handy that you could post for me. Thanks!

Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

the hanging plate I figured you could use for birdseed or water - I didnt even thing of butterflies. That would be perfect! I havent used the res-Q balm either, but I think its for hands, feet, lips or whatever is chapped/cracked. Its Burts, so it can be used abotu anywhere. :)
A few red, a few white and a few "blue" plants - I hope they do well for you. I have the original nursery tags so if you dont want to look them up, let me know and I will just go look in the yard :) I halved them with you :)
Im glad they survived in the box in the sun :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Is this the link you're looking for, Patti, titled "A Few of My Favorite Things"?

Very nice plants you shared, Steph :) The Mukdenia rossii Karasuba looks especially interesting for part shade and have thought about ordering one from Plant Delights.

Fabulous pic, Candi. You know I'm envious you live so close to the Coast. My gardens are only going on four years old and keep a yearly journal in just a small spiral notebook that's handy to carry in the gardens and jot down what's blooming as I take pics.The really memorable photos are kept in folders on my computer, and all of them are uploaded to my account, which is free. I've been using their servers more than a decade now and enjoy keeping photos there from my gardens and vacations. Comparing to previous years photos which are dated, most everything bloomed about two weeks earlier this year.

Several Lilies bloomed while I was out of town last week and missed a photo op, but this one is just starting to show off.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

gm all , just sitting in with daddy for awhile & Good time to get my was done , takes forever for we cannot run the washer & Dryer & AC all at the same time & sure need the AC it is so muggy out & its only about 9;30 am . I'm glad i don't have to go out to the BINGO Tent toight
it was hot last night but supose to be hotter tonight 100* by 6pm . i only have to work it MON-WED-Fri .

well jim has the cracks filled on the floor waiting for the putty to dry then onto the next step washing the floors golly this paint project takes a long time but it will be worth the wait ;) as soon as jim gets back in here i'm going to go into town & get my hair trimmed . so off to read the other mail . Back later in the day.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

YES Fruity....that's it. Thanks so much!

So far the plants look like they are going to make it. A few of them have shriveled leaves but I think since planted they should start to put out new leaves. I looked everything up this afternoon, as I have been under the weather with sinus infection that has settled in my chest, and I have no energy to do anything.

I really need to get out and get the rest of the things put in the new flowerbed. While the girls were here I had them go with me to pick up rocks. I am using them to border each of the plants as well as both sides of the bed. This was taken a while back, I have more of it finished and a short white fence around the outside. Will take more pics when I get it done. The low growing blue and white lobelia that I planted in front of the lighthouse, to resemble the ocean with whitecaps, crocked on me. I guess it was just in too much sun. Any suggestions anyone?

DH almost has the fish pond finished. He has the liner set in but it is still a little deep, so he is going to have to fill in some more so we have enough liner under the top layer of rocks. I am so excited ..... can't wait to get some pretty goldfish and put in there. Will need to get a few water plants too.

AliKat, I hope to get your box mailed out this week too. Also my 'secret swap' partner. ^_^ I just wish I could get some energy back! I take my daily Centrum for Women 50+, but ........ Sure glad I wasn't sick while the girls were here!

Thumbnail by Crit Thumbnail by Crit
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

great stash there Crit, wow, soo many goodies!!! Such fun! Looks like you opened up that area of the garden pretty good, should be filled by fall, lol.......

pix: front center is Lythrum Mordens Pink (this is one plant not available on the market any longer, too bad it's cousin is such a thug, shame... as it's a great plant, stays where it's planted and is 48+", I love it, lol), shrub rose and daises

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM all busy morning trying to get this back in order here & Then off to BINGO With the gals so Won't be back on till Morning :)
Hope everyone is haven a cool down ours is here today GONE Tomorrow Back up in the 90'S so got to get things done today while I Can .

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Great plants picture Kathy. I need to take a more recent pic of my bed. It already is filled up on the side that I showed you. LOL I'm working on the other half now.

I noticed yesterday that my Red Hot Poker (I think LK sent me a couple of years ago) leaves just started drying up. I noticed it the day or so after I had given everything a good watering. Nothing else is doing it, they are all perky and pretty. I don't know what the deal is! It's been in that spot since I got it. We just built the bed around it and a few other plants I already had there.

No cool down here. We are at 15 days over 100* heat with more forecast the next 7 days, PLUS ....NO RAIN! Thursday was 107* Not as bad as last summer YET, but we are just getting into the real dog days. Last year we had 44. UGH!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My plants arrived in great shape from you, JoAnn. Really sorry I haven't acknowledged them before now but found out a few days ago my only gardening friend here has been having mini strokes and have been keeping up with her in my spare time.

D/L 'Alabama Jubilee'
Royal Hellebore
White Crepe Myrtle
Balloon Flower
Prunella grandiflora ‘Freelander Blue’

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sure thing Susie

Winterville, GA(Zone 8a)

FOTV, I'm sorry about your friend. I hope she's doing better. Glad the plants arrived in good shape. I almost sent you an Immortality Iris, too, but saw you already have it on your Have list.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

AFTERNOON ALL JUST GOT HOME ambulance just brought daddy home & I will try to get back later after we get him settled in . & I have to call a meeting with the kids so prays

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