What's happening to my redosier dogwood?

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

This redosier dogwood is about 8 years old, and until this summer, it's been very healthy. Perhaps due to our drought conditions, limbs and branches are drying out and dying. We've been pruning out dead sections, but more dead ones seem to reappear quickly. Extra water doesn't seem to reduce the number of dying branches, and insect damage is not apparent. What else could be causing this problem?

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Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

could be the drought, excess heat - our dogwood was almost dead all last year, but has returned this year when the rains returned, my guess is the dryness from all the trees trying to get unavailable moisture this year is causing it to go dormant earlier--- I did say guess, but yours looks far greener than ours did last year

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

It's reassuring to think that our tree may still be ok next year. It certainly doesn't seem to be improving this year. No rain for 7 weeks hasn't helped, and we've been cutting out more and more dying branches. Maybe it just needed a haircut for the summer anyway. Thanks for your response.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 9a)

You did make me wonder how many years a dogwood has for a viable lifespan, tho I don't know that answer

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