Whats killing my hollie bush????

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I have 5 hollies in a row and only one is doing bad and turning yellow and not growing I don't understand why, Would anyone here have an idea why?

Thumbnail by IRIS
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

sometimes this just happens with no good reason that we know of although the plant "knows".....soil problems in a particular spot, etc. but i would first ask, "do you have them on an irrigation system?". if so, make sure there isn't a problem with the sprinkler head in that spot. yellowing is usually a sign of too much water. are they all being fed the same?

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

No, I do not have them on an irragation system, I water with a hose, Yes they all get fed the same, And are all in the same soil type, Sunlight ect. So I don't understand why one would be doing this, I've heard that there is an insect that can cause this, But, I can't find a sign of one, I'm going to try some hollie with iron fertilizer and see if this helps, But, I'm really worried that the bush is not going to make it.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

can you show a picture of a few leaves close up? no sense putting iron on them if that's not the problem.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

I will take one tommorrow for you.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i had a thought last night. well, two thoughts really. first, it's never a good idea to stress an already stressed plant with feed, so a close up picture will help determine if it is a nutrient problem. second, i'm assuming you have fire ants there? if you do, they can undermine the root system and cause eventual death. just because you don't see a mound, don't assume there are none present. i had a row of plants a few years ago and one died. when i took it out, the fire ants had a nest under it like you couldn't believe. if you do suspect fire ants, you can sprinkle spectracide around all the plants and water it in. it won't hurt the plants but will kill anything underground. you can't do just one because they will just move to the next area.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

Thankyou for trying to understand the problem and help me with it, I don't believe it's fire ants ( But, I guess I'll know for sure when it dies and I dig it up, But, I dont believe it's fire ants. Here are a few photos for you, There are getting to be a lot of brown spots on the leaves now ...

Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS Thumbnail by IRIS
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

what have you been feeding them up till now? if it's nutrient related, it seems to be a uniform, over all yellowing which would indicate nitrogen or possibly sulfur. the spots would appear to be a leaf spot typical to Ilex (Holly) and is caused by a fungus during warm, wet weather. avoid overhead watering and water only in the morning so leaves have a chance to dry. i could be wrong, and i really wish someone else would chime in here, but i don't think the two problems are necessarily related.

i know what i said before, but if it were my plant, i would feed with a good NPK with micro-nutrient granular feed and i would also get some Miracle Grow Liquid (comes in a yellow bottle) and spray it. Hollies in general like a moist, well-drained soil that is slightly acidic. i can't say why this one is the only one affected but i would try to save it with my suggestions if i were you.

i'm sorry i can't be of more help....and let me know what happens.

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