Our July Summer Orchids

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Welcome to the July thread where we can post our summer blooms. We came from http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1262497/. Please join us as we enjoy these hot weather orchids.

I'll start off with this NOID Dendrobium just because it is so pretty.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Carol's Florida Gerberara 'Snow Ballet' is blooming its little heart out.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Here is an update on Ctna Maui Maid X Mcp Brysiana. Two spikes are now open.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thank you all for the BD wishes and to my special friend, Jim, for the e-card with the singing barber shop quartet. Bet it is because he is a singing guy. That Gerbera is a beauty, Jim, and you know I love anything with Broughtonia in it. Thanks, Jim, for starting a new thread.

You are all such wonderful and supportive online friends and orchid growers. I received email BD wishes from people who rarely post on the threads. Thanks to all for taking the time to wish me well.

If June was bad for me, July promises to be worse. I might regain sanity by mid August. We are less than three weeks from the wedding weekend. The countdown has begum. Reservations, arrangements, and assisting guests with transportation and accommodations has been a huge chore. Since everyone but us and DD's siblings, including the bride and groom, are from somewhere else they are all needing help. I am answering piles of email and calls daily at this point. Though the guest list is small, guests are driving and flying in from every corner of the country and S. America. Jim and Patty are stopping by Maypop for our Sunday open house while vacationing in Franklin, N.C..

If all goes well, and I'm still standing, I'll close on the sale of my Miami house in mid- August and we will be able to meet orchid friends in the Apopka area on our return trip. It's a sad farewell to my childhood home, family and past. The plan is to collapse and decompress for a few weeks after and then hope life, as we once knew it, returns to normal. They say nothing ever goes as planned but we can hope.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Lovely 'Snow Ballet' Jim. And the color on 'Maui Maid' just knocks me out.

Take heart, Laurel. Especially weddings never go as planned. Try as you might to make it perfect, it usually turns out that the oops-es are the most memorable moments. So, I'll go totally cliche' here and say 'Don't sweat the small stuff'. Save some energy to enjoy the moment.

We sold my parents' home in Vancouver, BC four years ago, and while it was a sad day, you never lose it as long as you have pictures and the precious memories. I went around and took a series of photos of all the family keepsakes, furniture and the garden just as it had always been before we cleared everything out. Every time I look at it the memories flood back. That house is just a house without the people you loved in it.

Hope I'll be around when you pass through, I'd love to meet in Apopka and have an orchid spree.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

We dogged a close one yesterday. My wife, Patty, was driving back to Tampa from Orlando on I-4 at about 3:00 PM. just in front of her, 3 large beauty salon chairs blew out of the back of a pickup truck. One of them landed on the hood of the car and crashed through the windshield. The good news is it was on the passenger side and she managed to safely pull off of the interstate. The car had to be towed to a garage where I picked her up. The truck driver stopped and the police wrote up a report. I think his insurance will pay for damages but it will take some time. We are thankful no one was badly hurt.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Terrible news but glad Patty is okay. That car is unlucky. Didn't it get broken into weeks before your trip up here last time and didn't vacation plans go pending as a result? Patty is very fortunate. Years ago my mom was driving behind a truck carrying unsecured rolls of carpeting. The truck rear ended the car in front and the carpet rolls were launched into Mom's car. Her shoulder was shattered and multiple major surgeries required. She never had full use of that arm again.

Elaine, since I am both wedding planner, caterer, tablescape designer, florist and chef the oopsies fall entirely on me. :) With any event that I do professionally, I am a realist with perfectionist goals. There is no intention to make this a dream event, just a fun week. That said, after the wedding service and luncheon at a restaurant in Atlanta that has always delivered service to our standard, I am responsible for event set up (linen, tables flowers, decor, food preparation and service, bar and staffing) for the three other days of events at three different locations. Why? Well I think I do it better than anyone. I spent half a day selecting wines and beer last week, and afterward ordering packer cuts of meat and whole fish when most mom's of the bride would be shopping. There are gift bags with special snacks and mementos going into every guest room in progress. We have canned hundreds of jars of preserves, relishes and pickles to create country tablescapes along with flowers we grow and for guests to take home. Definitely too much going on to sweat small stuff. At the end of this event I will have prepared food for several hundred people, much of which is coming out of our gardens. I have to tend the gardens during this time as well. We smoke our own fish and meats using fruit and hardwoods from Maypop, make our own pickles and preserves and design menus featuring the freshest seasonal food from Maypop. The last day's happenings will consist of a kick back with the small number of people remaining in the area, and hopefully Jim and Patty, but it is an open house here at Maypop in the aftermath of a whirling dervish week. No worries, just a little busy.

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Terrible news but glad Patty is okay. That car is unlucky. Didn't it get broken into weeks before your trip up here last time and didn't vacation plans go pending as a result? Patty is very fortunate. Years ago my mom was behind a truck carrying unsecured rolls of carpeting. The truck rear ended the car in front and the carpet rolls were launched into Mom's car. Her shoulder was shattered and multiple surgeries required. She never had full use of that arm again.

Elaine, since I am both wedding planner, caterer, tablescape designer, florist and chef the oopsies fall entirely on me. :) With any event that I do professionally, I am a realist with perfectionist goals. No intention of making this a dream event, just a fun week. That said, after the wedding service and luncheon at a restaurant in Atlanta that has always delivered service to our standard, I am responsible for event set up (linen, tables flowers, decor, food preparation and service, bar and staffing) for the three other days of events at three different locations. Why? Well I think I do it better than anyone. I spent half a day selecting wines and beer last week, and afterward ordering packer cuts of meat and whole fish when most mom's of the bride would be shopping. There are gift bags with special snacks and mementos going into every guest room in progress. We have canned hundreds of jars of preserves, relishes and pickles to create country tablescapes along with flowers we grow and for guests to take home. We just learned this week that we need to hire a driver to shuttle non-resident guests to and from the compound where we are having our Friday night affair since it is a low impact nature preserve. Non-guests must park at an off site lot.

Definitely too much going on to sweat small stuff. At the end of this event I will have prepared food for several hundred people, much of which is coming out of our gardens. I have to tend the plants during this time as well. We smoke our own fish and meats using fruit and hardwoods from Maypop, make our own pickles and preserves and design menus featuring the freshest seasonal food. The menu will feature upscale takes on traditional Georgia foods. I can't forget the vegetarians, including the vegans, those who keep kosher and those allergic to gluten. It's all in a days work. The last day's happenings will consist of a kick back with the small number of people remaining in the area, and hopefully Jim and Patty, but it is an open house here at Maypop in the aftermath of a whirling dervish week. Still need to make beds and make sure bathrooms are tidied. No worries.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm tired just reading about all that but if anyone can do it, it's Laurel.


This message was edited Jul 3, 2012 9:18 AM

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Heavens! Mother of the bride was tough on me, although I did plan my daughter's wedding, too. She only had 12 people total, and a beach wedding so it was small and simple. A far cry from what you're undertaking, Laurel. My hat's off to you, and hope you survive it all. You'll get to take credit for the memorable oops-es and everything else, in years to come.

Jim, what a scary close call for your wife! Glad it was not as serious as it could have been.

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Maxillaria tenuifolia blooming one year to the day from last years blooms. And the fragrance is so strong in the evening, but present all day

Thumbnail by ted5310 Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Miltoniopsis either Komoda Falls or Keiko Komoda, tag says Falls, but I'm not too sure. About 6 more spikes on this one

Thumbnail by ted5310
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Ted, I love the Max and the Miltonia. Maxillarias do fairly well for me but not the Miltonias. Too bad as I really enjoy the flower. Thanks for posting.

Reference back to our conversations concerning the unattractiveness of orchid plants while not in bloom. My Sarcoglottis sceptrodes doesn't fit the mold.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

My Psychopsis butterfly, alba form, has just opened a new flower.

Above all, happy Independence Day everyone! Stay safe and enjoy.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I agree, Jim. That's just a pretty little plant all by its ownself.

I think the little Paphs are similarly pretty. I'll risk no blooms for the nice foliage. I do have new growth on all three, though!

Update on Howeara Lava Burst 'Puanani' which now (4 plants) have 3 spikes open, all branching and three more spikes coming.

Ted, my Max. tens are much darker red than yours. Interesting! They do have some spots in by the petal bases, but mostly are burgundy red petals.

This message was edited Jul 4, 2012 3:03 PM

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

They sure are Elaine. My pic is actually a little too red compared to real life.

Fleming Island, FL(Zone 9a)

Laurel - I'm sure someone had to sample those wines & beers!!!! Best of luck with the wedding. I planned & executed mine. Minutes before the ceremony was to begin, we realized we had left all the "beverages" in the apt. The bartender was dispatched back to the house & we held up the ceremony till his return.
If there is an Apopka get-together in mid-Aug, PLEASE let me know. I really NEED an Orchid fix & meeting some of you would be wonderful.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I have a new spike on Epi Mabel Kanda 'Miyao' X Cordigerum 'Paradise'.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

More blooms on Blc. Chia Lin 'New City' X Pot. Susan Fender 'Cinnamon Stick', AM/AOS (aka. Pot. Linda Mathisen). Serious floof going on here.


This message was edited Jul 5, 2012 3:23 PM

Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Vanda Natchaya Beauty 'Pink' is now fully open.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the support Qwilter. I finished the pieced toppers! Ten!! Had to make too fat, temporary borders for the right table effect but they will come off for the future quilt. I would love to meet you and Elaine and others in the area. Hopefully we can work something out.

Wow, Jim, that's a beautiful Epi.! It looks like more like an Encyclia.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Laurel. Here is Blc Golden Tang which just opened last night.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I also have a new spike on Blc. Hawalian Leopard 'Mai Ling'.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Then I cought the silly Psychopsis sisters out playing in the OC. It's nice they are on the same schedule as of late.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Love the Psychopsis, Jim. I noticed earlier this week that the buds atop the stems on my Psychopsis Mariposa Green River and getting larger. Can't wait for the blooms.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Those are all beauties, Jim. Seems like your Psychopsis have been blooming for a very long time! They look like little fairies flying around, especially against that dark background.

I sure hope I'll be back from our trip up to Canada in time for an Apopka get-together!

Check out my oak branch planting, four Bl. Little Lulu's I mounted up there early in the spring. Poor things look really terrible but they're all still alive! One even has a spike, maybe. Seems as if a squirrel took a liking to a couple of them, and chewed off a few pb's but even those are recovering nicely. There's hope that this will work yet. I've got to get up there on the ladder and see if any of them are grabbing onto the bark yet. I spray the branch with the weak fert so that it runs down the grooves and the 'chids will find it in there.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I hope you're back in time to meet Laurel as well. Perhaps we can get the gang together.


Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

My trip is off or now. The contract on the house fell through. Bummer. Well, I really didn't want to go down in August. I will have to go at some point though.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I'll keep the truck idling. :>)


Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Brassia season is upon us and Brassia Eternal Wind 'Sato' has just opened its first flower. More to come.


Thumbnail by hawkarica Thumbnail by hawkarica
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Laurel, Sorry about the house.

I've got a few blooms going here Laelia pacavia only has two spikes this year, one spike for Blc. 'Erin kobashi' X 'Stono river'. Acropera galeata (Gongora) has 9 stinky, short lived spikes

This message was edited Jul 9, 2012 4:24 PM

Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL Thumbnail by OCCAROL
Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Last, but not least the mother plant (after being divided) of Jim's Gerberara 'snow ballet'. has 5 more spikes, so far this summer.

Thumbnail by OCCAROL
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I can't believe how beautiful everyone's orchids look when I visit the monthly posts! My orchids continue to grow and bloom without photos and I keep marveling at the photos posted. Actually, I even have a few photos from previous months but no time to compress and post. Maybe I'll make a thread of photos meant to be shared but not later in the year. You all are keeping me going here. Thanks for all the good wishes. Three weeks before the four day wedding weekend and the countdown has begun.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I know you've all seen this - my NoID brassavola - a couple of times, but I'm just so tickled that I have an orchid with 5 whole flowers at once! This is a big deal for a beginner, in case you veterans have forgotten what it was like to have all young plants . . .

As a side note, nothing is simple in orchid growing, I am learning. The nice piece of cork I mounted this plant on is now home to a colony of carpenter ants! Every morning the plant on the shelf below it has a nice little dusting of sawdust on the leaves. C'est la vie.

Thumbnail by dyzzypyxxy
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Too bad about the house, but what is meant to be....

Carol, I have a spike on Son of Mother Gerberara 'snow ballet'

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Gosh, I really like that NOID brassavola of yours, Elaine. I will keep my eye open at every show for it. Interesting things, those ants. While not carpenter, I have them all over and living in many of the potted orchids. This past weekend I gave my Maxillaria tenuifolia a bath. It is on a wooden plank and the roots are wrapped in Sphag. Poured a little water over the roots and out popped a colony, eggs and all. I think Laurel had the idea to give them a bridge out. Well that's what I did and many left. But many stayed. I used to battle them, but their numbers are too great and so far I don't see any damage from them

This message was edited Jul 9, 2012 8:23 PM

north coast nsw, Australia

Ive had ants in a few plants and sitting them in water for a while usually makes them all crawl out. Or i'd repot it if they didnt.

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Ted, I'm not surprised. It shouldn't take long to bloom, now that we finally have some sun and heat.

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Ted, we think that brassavola may be 'Yellow Bird'. I have another that is labeled as a 'Yellow Bird' but it has yet to bloom for me. So when it does I can make a direct comparison.

Bree, thanks for the submerging advice. I'll definitely try it as soon as all the flowers are finished. Being cork, the mount really wants to float, so I'll have to weigh it down in hopes of drowning the ants. Right now, I put it in the tub and it floats nicely like a raft.The ants climb up onto the plant, and just wait it out until I take the raft out of the water and their tunnels drain out.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

I just got rid of a colony of ants in one of my cattleya pots. I just sat the pot in a tub of water for 30 minutes and that was the end of them.

Carol, love the Gongora!


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