Eggplant problems

Athens, Greece


I have several eggplants and mostly they are growing fine. Two plants though have some probelms. One started wilting suddenly. The plants nearby seem fine. The leaves of the other have started yellowing. Any ideas what this is and any solutions? Thanks!


Thumbnail by aHtm1324 Thumbnail by aHtm1324 Thumbnail by aHtm1324
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

possibly spider mites. check the undersides of the leaves. you won't really see them but you'll feel a fine, gritty webbing. if that is the culprit, i would pull the dying plants and mist the undersides of the leaves on the rest of them with a soap spray every day until they are under control.
spider mites like dry, windy conditions and are usually found on larger leafed plants where they can remain protected.

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