Dionaea Freaks ,collect or not ?

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

I know it's probably a bad thing to collect them but just can't help myself !

First PIC is Whale and it was a tiny plant when it arrived and really just looked like a Dente but it grew up to be a Whale.
Second PIC is BIO-Hazard very slow growing (for me ) but potting it up this spring when it arrived I shoved in a leaf pulling and it took.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

What do YOU think? YOU are the one that needs to answer your question! I like typicals and the big mouths. See what YOU like and collect them if you want! YOU are the boss!

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

I guess allot of these TC mutants are sterile anyway so It really doesn't matter for future Dionaea crosses.
I've grown out hundreds of Brugmansia seedlings over the years and automatically would toss any deformed Flower so I guess thats where my concern comes from not so much as what I like .

Beverly Hills, CA

Even if they are fertile, as long as you do not release them into the wild, no harm done IMO.

Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Whale is doing very well.

Thumbnail by LoveBrug
Greenback, TN(Zone 7a)

Blast from the past . BIO-Hazard has not been stable for me and has reverted to a very boring typical (all plants) oh well money not spent well. Whale is stable . Not sure what the deal was with BIO-Hazard other then it was treated somehow to cause the anomaly ?

Perth, Australia(Zone 11)

Hi I'm a new member, firstly i'd keep the mutie life finds a way, secondly with leaf a pulling is there any rooting hormone needed or do they simply like succulents have the hormone already in them also can you water root and is there a certain size of pulling needed (for big mouth)

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

No hormone needed. I'd soil root and make sure the pulling has some white from the base on it. Just bury the white part and keep moist.

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