something is eating my dahlias

Lacey, WA

Good morning,
Something is chewing up the leaves on my dahlias. And when I walk by to check and see what I have left today, little white flies are zooming around where ever I walk. Is this waht is causing my problem and if so what is the best way to rid these pests.

stratford ontario, Canada

it's probably Earwigs,I spray with Neem Oil and it seems to be working,not too much damage this Year.They sure are

Richland, WA(Zone 7b)

izzy, I also fight earwigs all the time- My poppies are loaded with them, and I can't get the neem oil in the ruffles without burning them.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I don't see little bugs but the leaves sort of scrunch up and look gnarly. Not all of them. Just some. Ideas?

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

You mentioned seeing little white flies, and they could be causing the leaves to wither and turn brown. But they don't chew holes. If the soil is moist, check for slugs. They're often the culprits. If that's the case, try sprinkling a slug bait like Sluggo to kill them. Neem should take care of the earwigs and white flies. Just make sure to avoid spraying in sunlight.

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

I cannot even grow dahlias (and I love them), too many slugs....I use bark mulch in all of my landscaping and they love it in there.......but you'd see the awful "clear slime residue" from slugs......I know I do!

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Well, the copper stuff works to keep the slugs off. But you cannot let any leaves of the dahlia tough the ground or any surrounding plants or the little buggers will find a way to get at what must be one of their favorite meals, next to hosta and delphs. The copper comes in paper thin rolls with an adhesive back. Someone suggested attaching it to cans so they will be sturdier. I am thinking if I cut the tops and bottoms out of tuna cans (they are shorter), attach the copper around the sides of one end, then place it around my emerging dahlia tubers in the spring. When it is time to plant them out, the ring is there (can't do it after they grow as can't get them around the plant. when planted out, sink the can into the soil just up to the rim of copper which is above ground. It is sturdy, and stable. In the fall when I dig the dahlias up, I will save the cans for the next year. I think this should work well. We will see next year. Guess I will need about 60 tuna cans - yuk and I don't even like tuna. Will have to ask the neighbors to help.

Edinboro, PA(Zone 5a)

Hey, it is worth a try......I'll do the same and also use my dog's canned food cans. I'll post my results and we'll keep in touch.....thanks for the hint.....hey where can I get this copper that is sticky.....Lowes? Agway? thanks

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Lowe's had it. but I think most good nurseries will also have it. It's made by Corry. Called Corry's Slug and Snail Copper Tape Barrier. I can hardly wait. I am tempted to find a small plant Being attacked and remove enough leaves to put the can down around it. Good luck.

Sidney, OH(Zone 6a)

If you put the coppered can around an established plant, make sure there are no slugs or eggs *inside* the barrier. The copper moat will keep the inside slimeballs munching on whatever is left of the plant.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

I think I read that you scrape the surface dirt away to remove any eggs then place your barrier.

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