Freezing Pollen

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I found out the hard way on how to freeze pollen, After losing most of my pollen to getting wet & soggy I found that you do not leave any of the stem on the pollen,Just break the stem right at the pollen head & you will be able to use it next year. I also found out that a daylily that I paid $210.00 for & is now blooming is not the same color as the picture & the size is smaller than listed.

I bought a daylily on the lily auction that is the most beautiful of all of my daylilies, It is called....IAM Bigtimer. I can't get my Ivan Attitude to take pollen so I guess I will just have to use it as the pollen doner. I will have to take a picture of ...IAM Bigtimer & post it the next time it blooms.

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