Bagged Dahlias & Gladiolas

Spring City, TN

Is it too late to plant these in Tennessee, Zone 7, 100 degrees this weekend. They are this years plants, but I was just given them by a friend who never got around to planting them..... I don't expect blooms -- this year -- but any chance they would live till next year for blooms? Thanks.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I would plant them, and they will probably grow. Depending when you have a first frost, you might also get blooms. Large dahlias tend to get to at least 4 feet before they bud and bloom. The smaller ones will probably grow quickly, getting to maximum 3 feet, but it really depends on the variety. Here in the northeast, our winter was so mild that a couple of last year's dahlias came up on their own, but that is a real anomaly. And I'm not good enough to pull them in the fall.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I purchased 30 gladiolus bulbs from Pinetree Garden Seeds and planted them on July 28. I didn't expect much from "end of season get them out the door" bulbs but as of this morning 27 have appeared. I have them on my front patio in pots, and it's quite hot there. So I would say that your glads should be planted.

They were $2.76 for groups of 10!


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