bleeding tree :-(

Mount Vernon, TX(Zone 7b)

Just noticed this tree, it's a post oak, next to a pond. Since we live in a forest of trees - post oak, loblollies, sweet gum, etc. here in NE Texas, its easy to miss one's problems. There are several places it is oozing, not just the one pictured.

Anything I can do for this one? I assume some sort of borer has invaded its bark. . . .

any help gratefully appreciated.

Thumbnail by ambersas
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Sudden Oak Death (Phytophthora ramorum) looks very similar.

Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Bacterial wetwood / slime flux. Not usually very serious, but can indicate decay in the middle of the tree.


Mount Vernon, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the thoughts. . . . I really hate to lose any trees. I'll see if I can look more closely at the leaves tomorrow. . . it's a tall tree!

Post oaks are known to be very touchy about changes in their environment - that heat and drought last summer did a lot of them in. Lost quite a few of our dogwoods also.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I've always found the Texas Forest Service very helpful. I was able to get an agent to come take a look at my dying water oaks a few years ago. There wasn't much that could be done to save the trees, but I got the fungus identified.
This link shows TFS Office locations:
You can also do a county search. According to the following link, you also have access to an Urban Forestry program.
You might be able to get them to go look at your tree.

Belton, TX

Betty is right...we are very fortunate to have the TFS as a resource...and the phone call and appointment are well worth knowing what is going on with the oak...we have lost sooo many of our oaks, the potential of saving even one is important...

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