Hackamore for horse

Bridgewater, ME

My daughter got a hackamore for her horse for a gift from her dh,the problem is she can1t fiqure how to put it on her horse.She went on utube and noone shows how to put it on.She googled it and the same thing there is info on it but no directions on how to put it on the horse.It has no reins on it nothing but the hackamore itsself.Anyone know how to put it on step by step or a video or pictures of how to put it on the horse and how to hook it into the reins and such.Thanks

Richmond, TX

There are several different types of hackamores. Your daughter's confusion makes me think it is a bosal: a stiff rawhide piece which is rather tear-drop shaped which goes over the nose supported by a leather headstall sometimes equipped with a throat latch that fastens under the jaw. The reins on a bosal are tied to the bottom of the nose piece and she would need to find someone experienced to show her how that is done correctly.
The other types of hackamores are much like a normal bridle and are fitted accordingly. She can probably find pictures of various hackamores - probably on horses - by looking in tack catalogues. Jeffers and Valley Vet both have pictures.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm only familiar with a running hackamore (used one for years) and a standing hackamore. Perhaps if you took a photo of what you have.

porkpal is right, though. The tack catalogs have the anwers to almost any tack question. Also, if her DH can say where he bought this item, then your daughter can call and ask how to use it. I've never know a tack shop that didn't want to help you figure out how to use what they've sold you and possible sell you more =)!

Bridgewater, ME

He got it at tsc.

Richmond, TX

If it's like my TSC they will probably be no help.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Yeah, that's true. Are there any stand alone tack shops in the area? To me, those are like hardware stores. I can spend hours in them.

Richmond, TX

Wikipedia shows a bosal style hackamore on a horse. Perhaps she was given just a hackamore "bit" which requires a headstall just like any bridle? We need more information.

Bridgewater, ME

Yes thats what she does not know how to put togather

Richmond, TX

Okay if she has just the "bit" it will go in her bridle in place of the current bit. The hackamore bit will have two sets of attachment rings the ones that go on top and attach to the cheek pieces of the bridle (like the previous bit) are normally not absolutely round and have a short shank between them and the nose part. The curb chain is usually attached to these rings. The longer shanks which probably end in a round ring - often connected by a skinny bar - go downward and the reins attach to the rings at the bottom. I hope that makes sense. She still would be better off finding a picture of the whole works. Good luck.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Can you post a picture of it so we know what you are talking about?

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