Another surprise..

Spring City, TN

Came up in a bed of simple flags (what some call ditch lilies, or Tawny). This isn't any of those - who is he?

Thumbnail by etnredclay Thumbnail by etnredclay
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Have you just gotten the one bloom on that one so far? Looks like a polymerous bloom of Hemercallis fulva, or what you call the flags or ditch lilies.


Spring City, TN

I've gotten dozens. This bed of "flags" has produced Kwanzo by the dozens and now dozens of these as well. I'm loving it. My mother who gave me her "leavings" when she dug them out because they were boring flags... not loving it so much. I'm marking to give her back some pretties. But SHE's the gardener who can get anything to grow, even cut long-stemmed roses she can get to grow. But not apparently flags.... hehehe

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I have a few patches of them. They are invasive, but they do look pretty when their blooming. Here's a pics I took just the other day of one of my patches with the rose campion and fleabane in the back. Makes a really petty combo.

Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily

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