Verticillium wilt . . . fatal?

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well, I lost a viburnum last year to verticillium wilt and a viburnum doublefile mariesii early this year to the same disease. The other doublefile in the pictures attached is exhibiting the same symptoms, but not as bad: poor leafing out on some stems (see upper stems) and dark ring in the middle of cut stems. It's only affecting the upper stems of this guy, but - is it likely to spread? What can I do, if anything, to save it? It's about 20 feet from the doublefile that died. Two lilacs and a fringe tree in the same border are unaffected.

Should I take it out in the fall and plant something else, or wait and see?

Thumbnail by sherriseden Thumbnail by sherriseden
Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Well, no one answered, but I took it down today. When I cut the large branches, the telltale brown streaks were all the way through the middle on every branch but one. This was his first year to bloom, too. Am I nutty? I actually feel a sort of grief.

: (

Will plant something resistant there in the fall.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

My college arboriculture instructor said that in some cases it might be possible to push the shrub/tree with high nitrogen fertilizer to "outgrow" the disease. It works best in cases where the disease is detected and treated early. I'm sorry I didn't read your thread sooner. I have lost Japanese maples to verticillium wilt. The disease is in some areas of my yard and not others. Its maddeiing.

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Yes, I found that, too - it was in one area where I lost one viburnum last year. I think I inadvertently spread it by throwing the diseased branches by our yard waste area which just happened to be by the border where this doublefile is. It's "twin" on the other end of the border where the branches were showed severe stress early this year, and I took it down. Now this one! I have two viburnums left, both healthy. Just hoping . . .

Thanks, Snapple!

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