Whats wrong here???

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

I started to place an order for 3 daylilies from Avant Gardens at a cost of $39.98 and when it came to check out the shipping was $24 for usps delivery. Now I think one can fit 3 dayliliy fronds in one of those $5 ship anything boxes from USPS. How do they expect to stay in business?

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

I've never ordered from this place but

Most dayliliy sellers charge $10-$15 initially and then $1-$3 extra per daylily. The initial charge helps cover the digging/dividing, washing, packing of the plant. Not everyone uses the USPS boxes or the post office for that matter, they use UPS, and if they don't that cost money as well so that's added into the fee. Also, if the daylilies are a good size then they will not fit in a $5.00 flat rate ship anything box. And depending on where it ships from and to, the cost goes up at the post office. I'm not sure where the line is where the rates go up, but sometimes they go up twice as much. I have shipped to certain states where it cost $36.00 but if I hadn't crossed the line it would have been around $17.
Are they shipping bare root, I read their "about plants/shipping" and it leads me to believe they ship some of their plants in the pots. This could be a reason the cost is higher.

Snellville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Tink for the explaination....I guess I didn't think about all that's involved. I may have under estimated the cost of digging and was just thinking about the shipping itself..still it makes it hard to accept. It makes me want to check out my local nurseries but then again I can't get the varieties I would like. Again thanks for your response.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Maybe if you could purchase one or two more.... the shipping might stay the same, but it would allow you to spread the shipping over more plants??

I can totally relate because our local suppliers don't have ANY named daylilies..... and very little else really except for azaleas and annuals......

Makes it expensive to bring in everything!!

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Check out the "Lily Auction". Variety is almost endless. Shipping is decent especially if you buy most of your plants from the same seller. Also check the "Garden Watchdog" here on Daves for various comments on sellers of all types. Mike

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

There are a lot of daylily suppliers online. Google the special varieties you want, and you may find other suppliers that charge less. Some of them are very good.

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