Need help finding a trellis.....

Middle River, MD(Zone 7a)

Yikes - I forgot that my trellis finally "bit the dust" and now have a beautiful Mandevilla that's wanting to grow!!!

I thought I had purchased this from - but can't seem to locate one similar. I've googled "round trellis".....

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated !!!


Thumbnail by wallis104 Thumbnail by wallis104

Plow and Hearth has garden obelisks or just do a google search on metal garden obelisks and you will find may styles. Your photo looks like an obelisks to me.

Edinburg, TX

Have you tried using livestock fence panels? They are usually 48 inches tall by 16 feet long and made of 1/4 inch galvanized steel. I've been using mine for over ten years!!! They do not fall apart and can withstand strong vines twisting through the panels. And they are inexpensive - $16 to $19 each.

I have several 8 foot tall 'triangular obelisks' that I made from cutting the length of a panel in half then folded over into a triangle shape and tack welded to close the triangle. Also have gobs of arches made by simply cutting off the bottom 'rung' from each end and sticking one end into the ground then bending the 16 foot panel over to form an arch and pushing that end into the ground.

Here is an old link to a post where I showed photos. Hope it helps. ~ Cat

Cape Coral, FL(Zone 10a)

Wallis - They had oblisks at Lowe's when I was there the other day - I think around $20.

Texas - Thanks for sharing your trellis pictures and ideas! I have an area in the corner of my yard where I am needing a big arch - your idea is perfect!

sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

best idea I have ever seen

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Yep, i like that too. Just got thru seeing that whole thread. I also have used the cattle fencing. you can clip off the cross pieces so you have about 8-10" to secure in the ground.

I've also used tomato cages upside down. You can curl the tops (that normally go into the ground) so they appear decorative. I would imagine you could even paint them ;-)

Linden, NC

The new rage here in gardening are tomato cages (massive ones too) that look like they have been painted or powder coated all different colors. BEAUTIFUL and a great idea curling the edges like that.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I love it! have you done any? i'd love to see pictures. One year, I was caught off guard by a Rose of Montana that got out of control. I quickly put two tomato cages side by side, a pole in the middle where they intersected, and then hurriedly draped the vine over it. I think it looked really good.

This message was edited Apr 8, 2013 7:58 PM

Thumbnail by Cajun2

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