CLOSED: flowers for herbs

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a off the shelf package of queen sophia marigolds I would like to trade for a few basil seeds green ,opal, red, any thing of the edible types. Or perhaps some borage, only really enough for one trade as they are still sealed for this year. thank you for reading this.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

I also have many squash seeds I have no room to grow, ask i will look ,easier that way.

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

Juhur--sending you d-mail.

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

Hello there;mom2golden; things like; Hollybrook lucious,Austrailian butter,Bannana melon,Prescott fond blanc,Delica de la table.Patisson golden marble,things like that.(there is about 5or6 more)
The thing is though I can't "guarentee ya" that they will grow as they were recieved in trade.Anything from 8 to 25 seeds any of the melons are.The Marigolds are many,Rather a large packet yet to be opened.
Most of my seeds I planted earlier so there is not as much that I am sure will grow as usual .I have a few charentais cantelope seeds left over even as I plant three or four more.Some wild lupine as you saw most likely. golden midget watermelon,Some moon&stars seeds,Minnesota midget cantelope(I think).Things like that so if you see anything there you might like,say and they are yours.( other wise they will go to waste)
Most of the flowers have already gone to voles and dry ,hot weather ,I have one zinnia and one African daisy remaining at the row of maybe 300. I have others elsewhere though that are doing just great.
Yes it nice to hear from and be a" Indiana gardener" I have been one for many a decade and it is still educational and.....(fun too!!!)

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