Kwanso or Flore Pleno?

Memphis, TN

A couple of years ago, my daylilies were ID'd as Kwansos. Recently, however, I read that Kwanso and Flore Pleno are often confused, the latter having more petals. I'd really like to know which ones I have, if any of you can tell me.

Thumbnail by HelloMissMary Thumbnail by HelloMissMary
Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Hi Kwanso is usually ragged compared to Flore Pleno. In Flore Pleno the are about 15 petals stacked evenly. I dont own any kwanso but i can show a picture of Flore Pleno if it will help.

Thumbnail by Mainer
Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Here is a clump shot stays pretty much in its own spot with an occasional stray so is easy to control in a raised bed.

Thumbnail by Mainer
Memphis, TN

Well, it looks like I probably have Flore Pleno, too, judging by your pictures. They do stay where you put them. They just get thicker every year and need to be thinned out. Yours are gorgeous, by the way!

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Mary, I'm pretty sure you have Flore Pleno. I have both that and Kwanso. Flore Pleno does wander somewhat, though, in my experience. I know it's not Kwanso, though, as I can definitely tell the difference.


Memphis, TN

Thanks, Karen! A couple of years ago, someone (on seeing my lilies) remarked, "Oh, Ditch Lilies..." At that time, I set out to learn what they were.
I'm glad to finally get the right ID.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

You're quite welcome! :-D


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