Inherited without labels

Spring City, TN

Uncle Pete loved his daylilies. He was 101 when we lost him and confused in the end as to their names.... any educated guesses? (Love them even unnamed but wish I had him asked sooner....)

Thumbnail by etnredclay
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Sure is pretty,........ good luck on Identifying it.

Warners, NY

Could be Ed Murray. You may or may not want to know about Ed. He has quite a reputation and a lot of children and some controversy over his chromosomes being either tet or dip or reverted to dip and usually crossing with tets but I got seeds from Pardon Me X Ed and with one of his kids and Wild Horses; also may produce unreduced gametes-----maybe?--------------------Photos of seedlings---first Pardon Me then I haven't a clue---------------There should be photos on the forum, he's pretty well known---------------------Weedy

Thumbnail by weedyseedy Thumbnail by weedyseedy
Spring City, TN

Thanks Weedy, sounds like he's fostered some hard feelings. I'll just enjoy my "Red3" for what he is.... also, he's UNDER a butterfly bush and the bright shade has really brought out the deep color.... note to self, but DARK colors in bright shade...

Warners, NY

It's iffy----Ed has 69 children listed on Tinkers and they were introduced from the eighties on, and one, Serena Dancer, has 17 children so heaven knows how many grandchildren have been introduced. I don't buy many as I have too many now but if I did, I would probably buy Serena and one called Implausibility that is a seedling of old ditch lily and Ed---how someone achieved that I wish I knew----------------------------------------Weedy

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