? about new systemic animal repellent called Reppellex

Bloomington, IN

I just got a new Gardener's Supply catalog. There was a listing for a new (at least to me) repellent which is systemic and makes the foliage taste bad. I'm wondering if anyone has used this and what their experience with it is? You bury the tablet (or tablets depending on the size of the mature plant) next to the plant and it's taken up by the root system. It says you only have to use it once a year. I've wondered why something like this that is actually taken up by the plant making it less appealing to wildlife hadn't been thought up, but maybe it has? Would that be wonderful or what?!

Anybody know anything about Reppellex?

Hillsborough, NC(Zone 7b)

Decent reviews on amazon.
Says uses capsaisin ( hot pepper ) and not to use on edibles because will actually be spicy hot

Caldwell, NJ(Zone 6a)

would spreading Red Peppers and their seeds around the plants have the same effect?

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