What's Blooming today? June 11

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Apple Swirl
Beagle Bess
George Jets On
Inca Puzle

Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar
La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Indian Giver
Larry Grace
Midnight Raider
Milk Chocolate

Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar
La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

Muscadine Jiggins Minnowbait- love the name
Primal Scream
Ruby Spider
Spoons for Escargot-another neat name

Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar Thumbnail by gingerjar
Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

Oh, my, what a surprise. I have been waiting for Jamie Gossard's Heaven Dragon Fire to bloom for the first time since I won it on the LA last year and look what I was rewarded with!
1. Heavenly Dragon Fire poly
2. The poly with a single
3 Black Falcon Ritual
4. Westbourne Mom's Curtain Ruffles (after a sprinkling)
5. Belle of Ashwood

I dropped my camera, ughhh :-( , so I am using my phone and the colors all look so washed out, esp. Curtain Ruffles and Belle of Ashwood. Sorry because they ARE so beautiful.

Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter Thumbnail by jgrinter
La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

That was worth the wait and a 5 petal poly at that. Beautiful! Your other pictures look good to me too.

Edwardsville, IL(Zone 6a)

Oh, I have only seen othershere write about "poly" blooms. I've never seen one and didn't know there were different kinds. I just knew this one had "extras" and that was good enough to have me think I had a poly, too. Thanks for your post. Any info would be so appreciated.

La Plata, MD(Zone 7a)

I've seen as many as six petals and six sepals. Most are 4 of each. I had a real beauty on So Many Stars a couple years ago. It had five of each and really looked like a star.

Leawood, KS(Zone 5b)

Two FFOs today - 'Chicago Ruby' and a NoID (I've searched all my purchases from the last few years and can't seem to find a name for this beauty).

Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

That heavenly dragon fire is beautiful, and love the Black Falcon Ritual as well. Love the Indian Giver, Larry Grace and Midnight Raider. The Midnight Raider is one of my new additions maybe I will see some blooms next year!! They are all so beautiful.

It is RAINING here today!! It has been so bone dry and we had a huge lightening storm that lasted for several hours last night. But it eventually started raining and is still raining some. It has been a long time since we had a nice rain and I am sure the DLs were enjoying the soaking!!

Thanks everyone for sharing your beautiful blooms. Had this FFO (and my first bloom ever on this plant) from Westborne Corn Crib.... please excuse the bermuda grass! I battle it and the nut sedge on a continual basis!!

Thumbnail by gen2026
Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Love Milk Chocolate and Primal Scream =). I think I've picked those out before!

Horse Cave, KY

All American Chief

Thumbnail by Cynthia59P
Horse Cave, KY

New Day Dawning

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Horse Cave, KY

Kabuki Ballet

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Horse Cave, KY

Chicken On The Run

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Horse Cave, KY

Chinese Scribe

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Horse Cave, KY

Joan Derifield

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Horse Cave, KY

African Grape

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Horse Cave, KY

Painting The Roses Red

Thumbnail by Cynthia59P
Horse Cave, KY

Oops....all of mine were for today...the 12th.

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Those are all gorgeous!

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