Fertilizing containers

Vero Beach, FL

Greetings! Brand new here. South Central Florida in the new 10a (was 9b but you knew that. lol). Using 17 tubs, 3 gal & 1 gal containers. Lots! Micro irrigation going on..... Heres the deal: Been doing the MGro thing. Getting way too labor intensive. Thinking of going to quick release granular. Simply want it to fertilize itself every time the micro spray heads and bubblers go off which is three times daily. The MGro washes out too quick and every 3 days is a bit much in addition to the milk, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and all the rest of the spraying. So your input? ideas? threads? Your help is muchly appreciated. Have a good one and God bless....

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Greatings Gahdener, from a west coast gardener, who is learning to garden all over again. Florida is nothing like zone 5....LOL Are you a native floridian? I am who finally wised up and came back home...LOL

have you tried the granular/soluble miracle grow 24-8-16?


Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Osmocote should release more slowly over a three-month period.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

That's what I've been using.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)


I think Soil Moist Container Plus is the very best. It has the endomycorrhizal fungi, plus 8-9 months time release fertilizer, plus the water polymer crystals. One container goes a long, long way.

Scroll down about 1/2 way.


Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I like seaweed powder to add to all of the above.

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