TEA ROOM # 109

barmera, Australia

Dianne I still love my brugs though. Just a bit p---ed off so don't talk about what I'm doing very much. The brug book is on it's way here. Just took me a while to decide if I wanted to continue down that path or not and I finally decided that I did. The broms are much easier to look after and the colours are fantasic when they get the right light. Still have lots of other plants too and am still waiting on the council to okay the cactus garden then I will clean them all up and make them neat again. They are very slow to deal with. Lots of pruning and cutting back going on here, but oh, it takes so long by oneself. Need a friend to help I think, but they all have their own gardens to do. Have to get the boys out there I think Hope everyone is having a great day. I don't know where that pic was taken Dianne, but it's beautiful isn't it? Looks like a Hobbit's village. Colleen

Bendigo, Australia

Hello everyone, be away from here for a while but today it is soooo cold.,that I'm inside catching up on forums.put a huge load of elm tree leaves through the shredder this time yesterday, and glad that I worked at it till it was all done. wet leaves don't shred too well!
anyway I got through a 6X4 trailer with crate on filled to the brim and them packed down. so we have heaps of mulch to spread around.
amazing the difference it makes.
I also use the cleanings from rabbit cages that a friend has. she breeds rabbits and so the bedding is very good and clean , no weed seeds and the feed is free of seeds also. I get about 22 bags each time and it composts down really well and is alive with earthworms. I had a plants sale over the long weekend to clear out some stock and the bags of compost were eagerly sought after.
keeps me busy turning it over with a pitchfork and watering it to speed up the process. gets pretty hot in the middle at times.
happy to say that the garden has been working at recovering from the drought and although we had a huge wind storm last week we were lucky to get away with just a fully laden arch falling over. a lovely hardenbergia in full bud so we quickly stood it back up and reinforced the arches with star pickets.
down the road neighbour lost a branch off their silver princess so I salvaged the gum nuts for seed sowing later on. should have a lifetime's supply. anyway better go get the man of the house his evening meal before he comes in. cheers. and stay warm..its been pretty cold here today but probably no frost with all this cloud about.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

The winds havnt picked up yet, but its very cold,..,heaters up high

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

My Brugs are blooming. This is Noid but pretty anyway.
Second is Moonlight Angel, double bloom.
That pink has a beautiful profile.
Just love these plants...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good morning everyone!

It is a beautiful day here in Buderim today...thank goodness for the change in the weather.
Just a great day to do some gardening.

My daughter will be visiting for morning tea so I what a great start to the day.

Has anyone got any Flax seeds?
I think I saw someone offering them a little while ago somewhere.


This message was edited Jun 14, 2012 6:19 PM

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Looks like a lovely day ahead of us. Marlene I have a few spare NZ Flax plantlets if that's any help. I don't have any seeds though. Friday yippee. Need a break from the norm. Will try to get some more pruning done today. Have to wash first though. Lovely Brugs Charleen. Moonlight Angel is especially lovely. Must go boys to get ready. Have a great day everyone. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
A cold but sunny morning here A nice change after the strong winds and showers.
Hubby is still in bed so I may get out later and do a bit of planting. I have some new salvias to go in. I have a heuchera to move into more sun too.
I have seen some lovely ones and was reading about them on the home page article yesterday too.
Anyone grow them at all ?
I would like some of the different leaf colors. Must look on eBay.
I only have the common green leaf one with pink flowers .

Hello Sue , Dianne and Colleen. Hope you are all keeping warm. Working out in the garden is great on the cold days whenit isn training.
Makes one warm up quickly.

Teresa, hope Sugar and Copper are enjoying their holiday at the kennel.

Karen, glad you have seen the sun there . Take it easy .

Anthony, I hope you didnt get blown out to sea there. Keep near that heater. It will soon be spring an dlilium time.

Charleen, very lovely brugs. Looks like they enjoy being in your garden.
Giv eCharley a pat and a cookie.

I am off to get hubby another cuppa and do some washing.

Its so hard doing the washing with the modern washer & dryer. ....lol
I have to strain myself putting the clothes in and then wait for the machines to do the work.... so haarrrd.....lol
I look back on all those years of hand washing and then finally getting a washing machine which was just fantastic.
Now with the automatics , I'm in housewife heaven,

Todays young ones who start off with the modern machines should thank their lucky stars

Better get that cuppa.

Keep warm and safe .
Heres something nice for morning tea.... Chocolate Peanut Squares.
Happy day

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Camperdown, Australia

Good Morning all ,
Lovely Brugs Charleen, i hope will look that good some day.
Jean, yes the washing machines of today do help our backs don't they. When I first moved to Heywood I had no power just a copper and trough for the washing , I loved my big copper stick. But that said, I do appreciate the benefits of todays' technology like this computer which puts me in touch with friends world wide. Just not the size of the power bills to go with it - and they get higher each time I think. I hope your husband is improving and not making too much extra work for you, sometimes it's like having a small child when they are sick isn't it.

re flax seeds....you can get them at any health food store and they will grow. I plant them for papermaking.

Dianne pop up here any time for some fun, cuppa always on , only 1.5 hr from you.Pm me if you want my ph no. Same goes for anyone here - always welcome. Just don't expect a palace - that was Saudi- LOL.

Have some more new books at the PO so am off to town this morning.
Wishing everyone a good day and a great weekend ahead.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Jean I have been trying to grow my clivia seeds not having any luck is there any special way I should prepare the seeds I have tryed peeling then planting -also not peeled 2 months nothing happened the seed ball was still green do I have to dry it out first.

Colleen seeds in the mail.


Merino, Australia

Elaine, all I do is plant the seeds as they are. Dont push under the soil just press firmly in.
You may have seeds that are not viable , but even good ones can take a long time. I have had some start sprouting after about 6 months of sitting around.
I just plant and forget until I see shoots. They will send a root out first them later you will see a green leaf shoot.
You will not see flowers for at least 3 years . I have some seedlings about 5 years old that havent yet flowered.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks Jean I'm in no hurry for them to flower it just seemed such a waste of the seeds - so I started to collect any seeds in the garden and try my hand growing from seed.

western sydney nsw, Australia

This is some thing else I need help about Please my Kalanchoe Flapjack

I always take the pups of and transplant now there is a long spike with like buds on I opened one there is red seeds inside can I plant the seeds in the trays now or do I have to wait till they dry .

This seed harvesting is all new for me so a big thank you for any help I can get.

Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Sorry here is the full plant elaine

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Elaine, I would wait until they dry. I dont know much about succulent seeds, but would dry any seeds first.

Christchurch, New Zealand

brrrr - cold & wet here!
Hubby has ducked out to pick up fish & chips for tea.
We will be in the motel for 3-4 weeks, better than a woman I work with - she has to get out of her house for 3 months!
Cooking facilities are limited to a microwave & 2 hot plates.
There is a toaster & jug along with a couple of pots & a fry pan.
I want to bring our slow cooker in so we can have a few decent meals.
I haven't seen the house yet - hope to get up there tomorrow for a look.
Baz reports that it looks very different with the wallpaper stripped off the lounge walls.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

A big move Teresa, but i suppose it has to be done!!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elaine, it is a beautiful plant. I agree, I would wait for seeds to dry.
I have a favor to ask. Awhile back I showed you all a plant and now I want to make a label for it. A friend has asked me what it is and I haven't the Foggiest, except it is a Bromeliad and one of the girls told me it likes moisture.
I'm so forgetful....
Thank you....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. I thought if today was fine like yesterday, I would get a few things done ,like removing the old Geraldton Wax .
No luck, Its been raining again and looks like more to come.
Oh well, I still have a couple of books to read.

Charleen, that bromeliad looks like it would bite. Very pretty . Colleen may know what it is. I haven ta clue. I'm not into broms so much.
I bet Charley wont go near it..lol

Hello Anthony, stick near that heater. I see more cold weather heading your way too.

Hello Teresa. Hope you enjoyed your fish & chips. Nothing like them on a cold night.
Having your slow cooker is a good idea. So easy and very tasty.
Mine gets used often during winter. There is a lovely Italian Osso Bucco cooking in mine at the moment. .

Hello Sue, Colleen and Dianne.
I hope Karen is well , Havent seen her here for a few days.

Hello to everyone else and I'm off back to my books and the heater.

Heres a treat for morning tea...Plaited Fruit Loaf.
Enjoy the weekend

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks I will dry them.

All the flapjack in pots around in the garden where pups taken from mother pot and now she is giving the seeds most of her children are bigger than her -- you just have to love her

Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Elaine Jean is right and that you should dry the seed first on the flap jacks. They are certainly looking good. Charleen I'm not sure but I think your plant is a Dickia???? It's pretty cool here again but the sun is trying to shine so could warm up a bit. I'm thinking about taking the boys to do a bit of fishing and fossicking . I'll see if I can get them to get the fishing gear out so we can see what we have. A shrimp net is a must and a few worms and we should be set. The boys are just going to get dressed and go and get the fishing gear so it looks like we're going. Had better move and see what I can pack to eat. Have a great day everyone. Colleen

Camperdown, Australia

Good Morning everyone. Raining here too Jean, very heavy shower Friday and now about to set in I think.

Didn't get a lot of the mulch spread yet but a start on the new paths. I am bit down in the dumps just now because the man came back and told me the price has doubled for the cladding, and I had just enough from the original quote saved up. He says he forgot to allow for time and battens and just quoted on the actual cladding material- I got the feeling he didn't really want the job and he complained a lot about how many corners there are. Not sure what to do now- some of the boards are missing and some have rot so painting is not an option.

Elaine you sure have lots of healthy pots and I love the way your mosaics are spread around the garden too. Do you have a Gasteria cos I have for you if you don't? It's a pup from it's Mum who lives in my barrow, has been potted for a while now.
Gasteria, Potting door idea from Pinterest I want to make one of these---one day!

This message was edited Jun 15, 2012 4:19 PM

Thumbnail by chookie2 Thumbnail by chookie2
Merino, Australia

Colleen , you may be right , I did think of a dickia because I have some here and they are bitey.
I thought it not enough of a rosette shape though.
Looking at the pic again, I see what looks like a flower stem on the right at the back .
Charleen if that is a stem and it is quite tall, I would say you may have a dickia or even one of the aloes.

Christchurch, New Zealand

went out to the house this morning, picked up a few things I needed & took a few photos so I will have before & after views.
The concrete terrace has been broken up in preparation for a new timber deck.
It is cheaper to do than replace or repair the cracked terrace & we are happy with timber, it will match the back decking.
Garden is getting a beating with workers walking on it but I just didn't look too close & will sort it out once we move home.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Quote from sammut :
Thanks I will dry them.

All the flapjack in pots around in the garden where pups taken from mother pot and now she is giving the seeds most of her children are bigger than her -- you just have to love her

You do have a nice collection there Elaine!

Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around, but its all good. I started taking an enzyme called Serrapeptase. Talk about magic potions. I've been scrubbing walls and windows and floors and moving furniture and...... well, getting carried away with all this energy. I've had to reduce the dose, as I wasn't getting any sleep. But its claim to fame is to reduce inflammation where ever it is in the body, and in what ever form it takes. The pain from my frozen shoulder returned with the cold, wet weather, and I was so depressed with it. The tablets have eased the pain a lot, and I hope I'm not just imagining it, but there is a slight improvement in the range of movement too. Apparently it is great for blocked arteries, sinus problems, cysts, arthritis, and the list just goes on and on, and the only side effect is improved good health. But I am amazed at the energy I've got after such a short time.

Elaine, good luck with the seeds. Nice to see your plants too. Looking good. Are you still doing mosaics?

Sue, be careful who you get to do the work. Workers seem to want fast and easy, take the money and run, these days. Some take the money and run without doing the work too. Good luck with it.

Keep warm and well everyone.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Gee Karen, are you selling any of those on the black market,.,.I could use one on a Monday when going to work..,Tuesday-when going to work-Wednesday- when going to work,.,so on,.,.., but i dont need one on friday arvo when im going home.,.,Really struggling to change gears in the truck, with my hand arthritis,.., glad youve got some stamina,.,-Anthony

western sydney nsw, Australia

Sooo cold here this morning first morning I had to eat brecky inside later when the boys come they will have to move the fire place over for me.
THanks MarleneannI do love the succulents cannot go past the Echeveria's every time I pass I look down they make me smile I must thank Colleen with out her I would not have known how beautiful they are . here is a pic . one with the first rays of sun light this morning
Yes Karen still playing with pots done two this past week.
Sue Thanks would love a Gasteria never heard of them it sure looks a pretty plant.
Whate a bad {NON}tradesperson he was bet he has no idea how to do the job or he did not wont to work Im sure you will find better than him and a better price than he tryed for. may be he could not cut a straight line so the corners would have been rought .
I use a plastic food trolley as a potting table can sit to pot up and move with the sun.

Thumbnail by sammut Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

here is the pots ----elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone.
Did I hear someone say sun???
We have another grey & wet day here, but then it is winter.
I have to keep reminding myself of all the reasons why we need winter.
I suppose the main one being ...it makes us appreciate spring/summer..

Karen, where did you find that magic pill ?? I must ask my doctor about it.
My shoulder is making life very awkward. I learned to live with all the arthritis , but its very hard to do things with a shoulder that wont heal.

Anthony, sounds like you need that pill too. Keep yourself warm there. . Think warm thoughts and lilium times in the sun.

Sue, I also have a gasteria. It has been sitting here for ages just doing it sown quiet thing.
Some of my succulents think they are triffids , even in winter. I must get the shovel and wave it at them again.

Teresa, its very hard to see your garden being knocked about, but unavoidable, sadly.
Think of the fun you will have getting it all tidy again. You will be able to add a few new plants to replace any squished ones.

Hello Colleen, Dianne, Chrissy and Elaine. Hope you are all keeping warm.

Charleen, pat that Charley mule for me. I left some cookie crumbs out on the grass for Kailin and Abigail.

Hello Moon and Louise if you are popping in.
Hope you are enjoying nice warm weather.

Better go and make another cuppa for hubby.
He got out of bed for a day but I sent him back yesterday as he was not well enough to be out.
He grumped a bit but realised he was better off laying down than trying to make me believe he was okay.
Men....... They certainly make bad patients.

I will leave something tasty out for morning tea. .....Devils Food Cake..
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Abigail was helping me in the yard awhile ago. I have to be careful I am so afraid I'll hit her. she is right under my feet scratching for bugs and worms. i love to pet her but she won't let me. so cute. she fusses at me. Then moves on....

Clifton Springs, Australia

Nice to see you back Elaine, missed your mosaics......

Jean, you mentioned Heucheras, I have tried various colours at different times, but I can't get them to last more than 18mnths.....they just rot away in pots or in the garden.....I must over water them when they start their new growth.....very pretty, but too hard basket for me...good luck with yours.

The zygos are really putting on a good show this year....all in flower now....

My father had a pet chook, Charleen, he found it in the street one day and nobody came looking for it....
She was black and sat on his shoulder while he did the garden....he had her for seven years...my mother couldn't stand her and the feeling was mutual... :-)

Enjoy what's left of the weekend..

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. Well we had our day of fishing and fossicking yesterday. The boys had a ball. We spent til 3.30 down at the river. The sun was very kind and it was a beautiful day. The boys made a camp-fire and cooked their sausages and checked the shrimp net every 5 minutes. It's no wonder we didn't catch any. lol You'll never guess what I forgot this time? The worms. We improvised with the skin off some of the sausages and some liver that was in the shrimp net. Ben [the dog] came with us this time and had the most fun with his nose to the ground smelling all the new smells for most of the day. We're having a very lazy day today, I didn't get dressed til 11am. The heater's still on as it is overcast and quite nippy here. Have made the beds and done the dishes so had better do a bit more soon. I was out taking the clothes off the line yesterday afternnoon and happened to look at the Epis. There are buds on some of them about 2" long. I couldn't believe it so had to take a closer look. What do they think they're doing? Dianne that's a lovely coloured Camellia. I haven't got any Camellias here. Must get moving otherwise I'll get nothing else done. Have a great day everyone. Colleen I found this pic. I thought it was beautiful.

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Colleen ...I sent you a dmail.

Another nice day so I have been in the garden doing more work.
Dianne do you know the name of the Camellia you pictured in your last post? I have one just like it without a name.

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable day.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

A few pics from today...

Thumbnail by Marleneann Thumbnail by Marleneann
Clifton Springs, Australia

Marlene. it's Desire, pretty when it's half opened like that as well as full blown...I like the formal style....
Gorgeous orchid.
Colleen, sounds as though you and the boys had a wonderful day....put the string around your finger next time, fancy no worms.....give the boys some potatoes in foil to cook with their sausages...you probably already do.....I used to love potatoes cooked like that, especially bonfire night....memories....

Mind you they hadn't invented foil back then, so we cooked them in the hot ashes...

These dear little cyclamen are starting to colonize lots of little pockets in this part of the garden....I'm waiting for the white ones to flower, I love their powdery perfume...

Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger Thumbnail by Seachanger
Christchurch, New Zealand

love those cyclamen, hope mine will spread like that in the woodland corner!
My violets took off pretty well there & I have seedlings from the hellebores so it is looking quite nice these days.
Big improvement from the weed infested junk pile it was.
We had a busy day, picked up the dogs at 8am - they were so happy to see us!
They had 2 hours running about at dog club & then an hour in the crate enjoying the sunshine & sleeping soundly.
I think they were tired & happy when we took them back to the kennels this afternoon.
I took glucosamine & fish oil to be given in their breakfast as Copper seems a bit stiff & Sugar might have over done the running about & was limping a bit.

Christchurch, New Zealand

it was -3C this morning...
that might have contributed to Copper being stiff.
Some photos of the house under repair...
1) brick work fixed under lounge window, terrace broken up ready to replace with timber deck
2) lounge walls stripped
3) looking through lounge to dining area, so much better without pink painted wall paper!!!

Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre Thumbnail by dalfyre
Brisbane, Australia

Hi everyone. Went to the markets this morning, and it was a glorious, warm sunny day, though a little on the dusty side.

Anthony, I am going to trial these pills and see how they go over time. I've only been on them a few days, and I have read that there can be rare side effects. Mind you, there are not so rare side effects with the medications I'm already on. After 3 days I can report that I can breathe more easily and the pain has eased in my shoulder. However, I think the recommended dose was perhaps too high, so I've halved it, and will stay on the lower dose for a while to see how I go. I loved the high energy of yesterday, as I haven't had any for so long, but think it was maybe just a bit too much.

Jean, I've put a couple of links on the bromeliad forum if you'd like to read more about Serrapeptase. One is positive, the other is people's negative experiences with the enzyme. These apparently very rare, but I know from past experience that too many toxins released into the system all at once can hit the liver savagely. And the lungs can try to clear too quickly, risking pneumonia. I've experienced both these in the past from inner cleansing, but I am hoping the lower dose will enable my system to clean out more gently. In my case, if it works, it could save or prolong my life.

Teresa, I am glad you are taking progressive pics. We'll enjoy the journey with you this way.

Dianne, I love the cyclamen. I haven't actually seen any around lately. Pansies seem to be big at the moment in the shops.

Colleen, love that gentleman rooster. At the markets today there was also a poultry judging day going on. We went and had a look, and oh, I wish I could have chooks. Some totally amazing breeds (including silkies, Charleen). Some really exotic beauties. I wish I'd had my camera with me. The only thing is, though some of the cages had containers of food and water available, most did not. I asked one of the judges how long the birds would be kept in those cages (and in a tin shed on a warm day) without water, and he said about 6 hours. I don't approve, and think at the very least, water should be available.

Charleen, some of the poultry we saw today made me want to cuddle up and take them home. We saw tiny hens and roosters, and we saw giant hens, huge. I loved all of them.

Elaine, that is a great idea for a potting table. Barry has one too, but doesn't use it. My table is fixed to the fence.

Marlene, that is a lovely orchid. That's a real lipstick colour in the brom, isn't it.

Hello to everyone else. My bird is getting stressed. It must be feed time at the zoo again.


This message was edited Jun 16, 2012 10:58 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

Good on you ,Karen.. I have seen these tablets in action, and sometimes, the doctor gets it wrong...Im happy you corrected your dosage..,..,Daffodil show coming up in September[ 1st and 2nd] final proofreads, letters, trophies,judges,stewards, permits, payments and advertising promotion to discuss this week,.,.and we will assemble a very good show,.,Ive just finished typing up my 'presidents intro burble', to include in the show schedule.,and i've just got this 'buzz-feeling' everything is going to be brilliant,.,.,.,.Dianne- Jean, and anybody else are welcome to enter their fine daffodils and spring flowers- we welcome interstate guests with open arms.Almost the end of the weekend, and ive made the most of it[crossed off everything on my chorelist]- and more..,.,Anthony

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I love my Chicken. Colleen, I had that picture for a Screensaver at work. I love it. Retired now , so i got the real birds... :-))
Gotta go feed my Long ears.
Been a nice Day.

Happy Father's day Anthony.
Love you girls....

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