CLOSED: § 2012 RED, WHITE & BLUE § Patriotic Showcase 2

She painted me a very pretty litle mail box done in water colors which sits on my desk and gets looked at and admired on a daily basis,,,

And Yes there are several things that test my patience lately,,,,,,,

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you Kris.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

I can not post any pictures right now either :(
I got a fantastic box from Betty
a welcome sign with RWB bunting, already hanging on my door ^_^
a fantastic metal star, painted like a flag.
a towel decorated with RWB, that says Live, Laugh, Love
and the most gorgeous set of placemats, that look like flags!!! thank you very much my dear!!!
as Judy would say....BIG BIG armwraps!!!!
I was feeling miserable today, so it came at a very good time... I have broken a few toes, and posiibly broke my foot! :( I went for xrays, waiting to hear the verdict.....&*%# hurts like the dickens &%$*&^% been sitting here with ice on my foot.....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Thunder, what did you do to your foot, toes? Your not supposed to kick those hard items, they don't move very well!

Sounds like your pressies from Betty, are very pretty. Post pics when you can.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I love hearing about all the boxes. What an incrediable group of creative people!

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