CLOSED: § 2012 RED, WHITE & BLUE § Patriotic Showcase 2

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)
Let the packing begin! Hope you have plenty of bubble wrap for that precious breakable gifts.
Off to the post office swappers, starting June 8th.
Mail out by the 15th of June!
Once you receive you patriotic goodies, please post a picture and I'll then put a next to your name.

Lizrainey------------------Liz ^_^
Bettypauze---------------Betty ^_^ (WOP)
Taters55------------------LK ^_^
Abbisgranma------------Marion ^_^ (WOP)
Synda---------------------Synda ^_^
Oberon46----------------Mary ^_^
Robynznest-------------Robin ^_^
Fruit of the Vine--------Susan ^_^
Jsxtiger-------------------Jax ^_^
warriorswisdomkathy--Kathy ^_^
Dahtzu--------------------Faye ^_^
MudElf--------------------Kris ^_^ (WOP)
Jordankittyjo-------------Sis Kathy ^_^
Purpbutfly----------------Cindy ^_^
Crit-------------------------Patti ^_^
Happgarden-------------Joyce ^_^
Heavenscape------------Jaye ^_^ ^_^

This message was edited Jun 23, 2012 5:11 PM

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room Jaye!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)


Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jaye for the new room ..........
I haven't been able to get on DG for 2 days ......good Lord it was driving me crazy (I should say a tad more crazy than I already am....LOL) ! Called Hughes Net and we figured out it's my modem so they are sending me out a new one, YAY !!!!!!!!!

Someone Pretty Special is going to be getting a box by Monday ! Sent it Parcel Post as it was 1/2 the price of Priority Mail . Hoping and Praying everything makes it in one piece !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by synda
Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Got my box in the mail today. Watch the skys for flying boxex. Thank goodness the stores here finally got 4th of July stuff.

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

We have a Holiday Store in this tiny town !!!!! It carries every holiday year round ,it is Awesome !!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Welcome back Synda! Thank you for reminding me that yesterday was D Day.

Salute back, Susan!

Those brave boys left behind but buried at Colleville Saint Laurent, Normandy, on a cliff overlooking Omaha Beach, still honored on this anniversary.
So far from their American soil, but from what I learnt, apart from Americans who made their pilgrimage there, there'd be Frenchmen too paying tribute.
How that history changed the course of war.

Proud to see some fellow patriots snuck out to mail their packages!!
We shall be expecting to see more photos of RWB treasures.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Happ, it is indeed difficult in the sands! My house did have a lovely clematis vine that had no trellis (back then I didn't even know what it was), callas and sagos. House leaked like a sieve though! lol

I was into computers and networking in Florida...I moved there from the northeast where I was working at NEADS (Northeast Air Defense Sector). We were on the edge of the snow belt and it snowed every day in winter. Sure don't miss that! I used to work in weather when I first joined.

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

It looks like I may make the dead line for mailing. I have all my RW&B things ready, now to get them in the box and to the post office. Saw a woman with a great t-shirt on with a beautiful American flag on it. She said she got it at the LadyBug, not familiar with that, but then I never go shopping except for necessary things. I surely would have loved to send my buddy one like that. Keep that in mind for next year, or better yet put that in a log book or I'll forget aout it Thank God for post-em note!!


TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Looks like Kris isn't able to get either her pc or internet fully working. Anxious to see what she got ^_^

Carey, you mentioned working "in weather". What do you do? Like checking rain gauge (kidding) or working closely with a meteoroligist?

Pegi, mail out begins Friday, but we have a few fast workers here.
Deadline is on the 15th, so you still have some time.
I haven't finished my box yet... but will make the deadline this year!!
Last year, the Canadian Post went on strike, so my box was delayed.

May we see more RWB goodies tomorrow!

Special salute to the original Americans!

Thumbnail by heavenscape
Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh my I am so excite ........ Delivery Confirmation say that my buddies box is out for delivery !!!!!!!!!! I just love to give ,I'm not even worried about getting .Wish I could see her face when she opens it ,that is if she can even lift it to carry in the house as it weighs a smidgen over 13 lbs......LOL

Thumbnail by synda
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see what your buddy got! That is a heavy box!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

Well, I did get my box mailed out today. So, dear buddy, it is on its way. I meant to put a card in it but remembered after I had the box taped up. I'm so anxious to see what everyone is getting. 13 lb. box, could it be coming my way............LOL

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

rofl...Pegi you about gave me a heart attack, I have almost have everything ready, and thought oh no I am late...rofl. I don't think a 13lbr, can fly that far... ;)

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I got my box yesterday! MonkeyMom sent me a fabulous array of Americana....with what looks to be a dessert theme. lol!

Thumbnail by careyana
Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh my ,love it all !!!!!!! The candle buckets are so cute !

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Jaye, as a matter of fact - both! I did indeed have to check the rain gauge and worked with a (military trained) meteorologist. - I worked in the 'current conditions' capacity. We briefed the pilots on what to expect on their routes and what was current on the ground. Worked hand-in-hand with the forecaster so they could issue any warnings as needed. I kinda miss those days and still get excited about clouds. lol

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Carey, that is a wonderful box of goodies you got!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll be out drawing stars and stripes on our front porch this weekend. I'm sure our friend the green beret will LOVE that when he stops by to visit. lol!

Pacifica, CA

great box love the bowls

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Wonder who would be hauling that 13lb. box? That's the good thing of being the hostess!! I know!! I know!! And this I can say, her buddy's very much in posession of that box, and it came at the right time too!

Carey, I love that simple plague and of course the bowls. Could do some other wonders with that cans too, aside from holding candles.
So, in your old job, you always have your head in the clouds, eh?
Lucky you, to be getting paid for doing that!

This is something personal I want to share with my fellow Americans.
Think most of you know that America's popularity is on a decline overseas.
My family's pretty much pro-Americans, except for one brother.
He's a very staunch Muslim and he idolized a certain dead terrorist. Had pics of that cretin all over the orphanages.
You can expect that there's not much agreement between him and I when it comes to politics.
One thing I stumped him with when I asked him, if USA is so hated, then why do Muslims from all over the world, even Libya, Iran and Syria, want to come to the USA? And you can't say they have nefarious intentions!
And if I were to revoke my old Islamic faith in any Muslim country, I'd be flogged or jailed or worst killed by some family members. They call it honor killing there.
I sure would have been dead a long time ago.

So there, we are indeed a melting pot, a haven for discontented citizens from other countries. Our 2 party political system may be flawed, but we can freely vote without fear of reprisals.
And the freedom to worship the god of your heart.
Viva America!!

Back to the swap ^_^
Hope you ladies, who are somewhat related to me (via procrastination) will get those boxes ready by next week. Got to give our buddies ample time to show off their newly acquired pride.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

You think I'm not getting the 13 lb. box?? My buddy will have her box soon I hope. I kind of squished the things in the box so hope it arrives in good shape.

Nice RW&B items being sent. I've discovered there are a lot of great items out there. In fact, some months ago when I was in the thrift store I noticed a wooden flag to hang up for a very reasonable price. Of c ourse, I had to get it, but haven't hung it up. Must get it hung and take a picture of it.

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Pegi I love stuff from the thrift stores and yard sales .......anyone can always send me great stuff from 2nd hand stores !!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by synda
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Same here. I just wish we had a thrift shop close by!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Lolol Pegi!! I'm like George Washington, I can't tell a lie. Nope dearie, it isn't for you. But I know your buddy will be good to you!!

I love thrift stores. BUT, not the thrift stores here. The goods most of the time look more like Sanford and Son throwaways!!!
Only good deals I found were some jeans, and they're to be repurposed.
Goodwill is about the only one worth runmaging, and it's at the beach, about an hour's drive.
Oh how I miss the thrift stores in Louisiana. Once I got a Mc Coy vase for 50 cents!! Of course, that's pre-Google times!!

Well.. yesterday... my DH brought in a box saying it's addressed to me.
Oh Lord, I got sooo excited thinking it's MY RWB as I wasn't expecting anything else.
Forget about the box cutter, too impatient to look for it.. I tore the tape with dental pick.. and pull out those inflated plastic bags!
Lo and behold and much to DH's amusement.. it was Lola's special food. I had completely forgotten that I had ordered that :))

So I know how anxious some of you are. And especially waiting on pictures to see what others got.

If you haven't packed your box.. please take pictures of what you'll be sending, just in case your buddy has pc or camera issues.

Thumbnail by heavenscape
Pacifica, CA

ohhhh the post office is throwing my box from state to state then back to state its suppose to be delivered today geeez

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Liz, I do hope it's not looted!!! Praying here!! I know how hard you worked on them!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I sure hope Elfie enjoyed her box!!

USA is hanging on the front door tonight. Need to pick up some tealights to put into the buckets to put them on the back porch table. But I will have some ice cream in one of the festive bowls! :D

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm sure she did Carey ,but it would be nice to see pictures ,that's half the fun of the Swaps ,seeing what everyone gets !!!!!!!!!

Thumbnail by synda
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Carey, I'm so glad you like your box. The stores here just started getting stuff and I was beginning to sweat. Once the stuff hit, I was like a kid in a candy store. Have a bowl of ice cream for me too.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Synda, that is one patriotic pooch!!! I need to find three of those!!!

Robyn, the whole box was fantastic! I've never found a tablecloth I liked as much as the one you packed. And those buckets?? TOO CUTE!!

Pacifica, CA

jaye,its there!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

OMGoiodness, I just got home from the Post Office and now I'm thinking I goofed! Oh my, oh my, oh well there is nothing I can do about it now. Mailed something I would like to have but not like anything I've ever mailed before????? Everybody SING: I''m Sorrrrryyyy Soooo Sorrrry!
Gosh, I'll finish going nuts before that box gets where it's going!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Why are you sorry, if it is something you would like, I bet your buddy will love it too!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

LOL because it is so different from the other boxes. May look more like a Birthday Gift than a July 4th party.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I know they will still love it!
That is what I always do, when in doubt, I pick something I like, and send it on!

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Liz,Liz,Liz .......OMG Liz !!!!!!!!!! I got my box today ! THANK YOU,THANK YOU,THANK YOU ♥♥♥ !

You all will have to bare with me for this is going to take a little while ............ LOL.

1. A beautiful Card , 4 Solar Patriotic Yard Lights , 2 Wands that light up (made of the nerf foam,great to beat Rick with if he gets out of hand...LOL) , and a Beautiful Candle Jar Cover .

2. A Lovely Wind Spinner , 2 Metal Hanging Stars , a Roll of R,W&B Ribbon , and Napkins.

3.A pair of Socks , 2 Flags , a Wooden Heart Flag on a wooden stick , Glittery Stars on wire sticks , Cupcake Wrapper and R,W&B Sprinkles for my Cupcakes.

4. 2 Star Plaques and a Heart Plaque.

5. 2 Cute as ever Tin Buckets , Star Gel Window Clings , and a Huge Paper Ball Lantern.

Hold on to you Britches there is more to come .....................LOL

Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda
(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

back brace..........check
furniture mover......check
front door taken off.....oh wait it was heavy not large!!

What? You think I GOT the box?

This message was edited Jun 11, 2012 1:55 PM

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

Ok here we continue ............

6. An Adorable Bird House.

7. Another view ....

8. OMG ,the Most Beautiful Handmade Pillow ,the pic does not do it justice ,you'd just have to see and feel !!!

9. Another OMG .........Handmade Windchimes ,there is just NO WORDS !!!!!!!

10. Another view.

And there is STILL MORE .........LOL !!

Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda Thumbnail by synda

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